As part of our DT and Computing we have made pumpkin soup. We had to follow the instructions carefully, chopping the pumpkin and onion before putting it in the oven to roast. We can’t wait to try it 🎃
Category Archives: Design & Technology
Microbit coding in Year Six
Children have been creating code for a microbit, which is a circuit board that can do a multitude of things, such as count steps, play music, listen to sound and light up. Today, we have been practising making a stepmother, which plays music and congratulates you when you reach a certain number of steps.
Year One’s Salad
Year One have been designing salads for herbivores! 🥗 They had to learn about where the food items grew (above or below ground), taste test the salad ingredients, design their salad considering what the animal would eat and then make their salad using chopping, grating and peeling skills. Once made, the salad was evaluated with […]
D&T in Year Three
Year Three have worked hard this afternoon to learnt about levers and linkage. They are currently making a waving hand mechanism. Look out for the finished product soon!
Design Technology in Reception
This week, Reception have been design wizards. They were set a challenge to create a maze that they could move a magnetic ball through with a magnet. Look at the amazing designs that they came up with!
Reception: A walk in Paris
This week Reception have been learning all about France, through the story A Walk in Paris. The children have learned to say Hello in French as well as a number of other words. They have also learned the song Frere Jacques, which they loved. In the provision, the children deepened their understanding with activities about […]
Stone Age Experience – Year Three
The children had a fantastic day in the outdoors experiencing how Stone Age men and women lived. We dressed like them, made shelters like them, learnt about the animals and made tools. So much fun learning!
Soup Chefs in Year Five
As part of our DT learning on culture and seasonality, this week we have made and evaluated our own winter vegetable soups. We carefully practised different forms of peeling and cutting safely to prepare our soup. Also, we tasted and evaluated our creations.
Year One’s DT
Year One have been investigating mechanisms including levers to help them to create their own burning house! The challenge is to create a street from 1666 – when the Fire of London took place – using levers to make it appear that their houses have set alight! 🔥 They tested different movements – sliding up, […]
Reception: Goldilocks and the Three Bears
This week Reception have been designing chairs, beds and tables suitable for the 3 bears. The children selected their own materials, cut them to size and then thought carefully about how they were going to fix them together. We think they look amazing!