Year Six Elves using Computer Aided Design

Children have been working hard as Santa’s helpers today in Year Six. They have been using Word on the computer to create cuboid nets for 3D boxes so that Santa has something to pack his presents in this year. Here are the Elves in action.

Year Five Craft Day

Year Five have been learning all about computer aided design (CAD). They are using it during their elves workshop to come complete their task set by Santa. Here are some shots of them applying their CAD skills to assemble their packaging.  

Year One’s computer wizardry! 

Year One have been using the laptops this week as part of their Computing lessons. They logged in to Purple Mash, created their own avatar and learned why we might use an avatar instead of a real life photograph to help to keep us safe online. The avatars are somewhat crazy with wild hair and […]

A busy week in Year Two

Year Two have worked hard this week in a number of subjects. At the start of the week, they combined their PSHE learning with their computing learning as they discussed the emotions involved with staying safe online. Later in the week, they thought about British habitats in science and grouped animals accordingly.  

Year Three Computing

In Year Three, we have been looking at online safety. We learned about online identities and created avatars which look like us. It was lots of fun guessing who each avatar belongs to! We also made avatars which looked nothing like us, to show that you can’t always trust that people are who they say […]

Purple Mash Reading

Well, the scores are in! Year 6 have again topped the leader board for successfully reading the most out of all the classes in school. Year 1 are slowly working their way up to the top spot so let’s see if they can beat Y6 next week! The leader board is as follows: Year 6 […]

Purple Mash Reading

Well, the scores are in! Year 6 have retained their top spot and are have successfully read the most out of all the classes in the school. Well done to Year 5 also for moving your way up the leader board. The leader board is as follows: Year 6 Year 4 Year 5 Year 1 […]

Purple Mash Reading

Well, the scores are in! We have a new leader at the top of our Purple Mash reading leader board. Year 6 have now taken the top spot. Well done! The leader board is as follows: Year 6 Year 4 Year 1 and Year 2 Year 3 Year 5 We want to remind the children […]