Number Day in Nursery! 

We have had a very busy day today thinking all about different numbers and why it is important to try hard with our maths learning. We have been practising to write them in sand, glitter and paint, thinking of different ways to represent numbers and been using our counting skills and number recognition to play […]

Coding in Year Three

This week, Year Three learned all about algorithms in Computing. They had a go at being coders and robots on the playground, giving instructions for their partners to follow. Next, they learned about coding language and enjoyed creating and coding a character on Purple Mash. Fantastic work, Year Three!  

Year One’s Fire of London Fact Finding

Year One are enjoying finding out more about the Great Fire of London this week. They’ve used the computers to explore an online game, pulling down buildings and putting out fires as well as considering the historical sources we use to find out about events that happened long ago. They’ve sorted pictures in to old […]

Easter Treasure Hunt

Over the last couple of days the EYFS, KS1 and KS2 have all taken part in an Easter Treasure Hunt. The EYFS and KS1 hunt involved the children finding Easter eggs, within which were hidden clues from the Easter story. Once the children had solved the clue, they were given an item that linked to […]

Brand New Online Safety App

At Hillside, we take advice from National Online Safety to ensure all children are using technology safely. Recently, National Online Safety have released a new app for parents. It is a comprehensive collection of online safety guides and free online safety courses. It does require you to sign up but this is free to do. […]

QR Code Maths in Year Two

The children in year two have been learning about the properties of 2D shapes. In maths, they had to move around the room and collect the 2D shapes and their properties on their answer sheet. They checked their answers by scanning QR codes using the iPads. Well done everyone!

Online Safety

We have been made aware that children at Hillside may be using an App called Discord. This is an App that staff at Hillside are not too familiar with so we have carried out some research to ensure that we can offer the best advice and support to parents and can discuss any potential dangers […]

Practical Maths in Year Six

Year Six have been calculating the new cost of items when a percentage is discounted. For this, they have been searching the Kids clothing section on Asda’s ‘George’ page for an outfit. They have then discounted different percentages from these items of clothing to work out their new price. With spring only around the corner, […]

Rockin’ out in Year Three!

Year Three are having a totally awesome Times Tables Rock Stars day! They have been working their socks off to improve their times tables knowledge and speed throughout the week and we are so proud of their dedication. Well done Year Three, you are all rock heroes in the making!  

Year One’s Coding

Year One have used their computing skills to create their own codes! They considered how to give clear instructions first and practised their house drawing skills. They then learned about algorithms, how to create a program and how to de-bug it when it wrong by popping and moving bubbles on their screens. Their team work […]