Computing in Reception

Reception have been developing their computing skills this week by programming the Beebots to move around the carpet and painting firework pictures using Purple Mash. Well done Reception. The next steps for the Beebots are to programme them to move to a specific location. This is something that we will be working on, over the […]

Year Five Greek Computing

Year Five are currently in the process of combing their knowledge of the Ancient Greeks to computing. They are designing their own ‘maze’ game using software on Purple Mash. It is fantastic to see the children effectively considering how to develop the difficulty of their game alongside ensuring it is appropriately designed to the Greeks. […]

Computing Outside in Year Two

Year two have been learning how browsers and search engines work. This week, the children played a game where one child was searching on a search engine and the others were web crawlers. When a search was made, the web crawlers went to find as many facts from websites as possible. After playing the game, […]

Internet research in Year Four

This week the children have been learning about search engines and using key phrases when searching. After practising searching during a Computing lesson, they applied these skills during a Science lesson.

Year One’s Home Learning 

We are so proud of our Year One’s who despite isolation have been producing work to be very proud of! Well done to every one of you, it has been super to see your smiling faces and the fab learning you have completed! We can’t wait to see you back in school next week. 🏫

Working hard in Year Two!

Year Two have been working very hard this week in many different areas! They’ve created codes in computing to save turtles, considered emotions and responsibilities in PSHE and learned about Bastille Day, creating amazing artwork featuring the Eiffel Tower. Super attitudes to learning in every lesson – well done Year Two! You should be very […]

NHS Career’s Day

The children have had a very informative day learning about many of the different career options available within the NHS. We have been very lucky to have parents and family/friends who work for the NHS doing Zoom calls during the morning to give an insight into some of the roles on offer, the children loved […]

Crocodiles in Year Two

After completing ‘The Enormous Crocodile’ in English, year two have moved on to writing non-chronological reports about crocodiles. Before they start the writing, the children have been using what they learnt about presenting information by creating a fact file all about crocodiles. They even combined their science learning and talked about the crocodiles structure and […]

TT Rock Stars Day in Year Two

Year Two look fabulous today! They’ve come dressed as rock stars ready to take on the challenge of becoming the best year two class in Stoke-on-Trent with their times tables. The competition started yesterday and runs until Friday. So far, Hillside are second on the schools leaderboard and year two are third on the classes […]

Number Day in Reception

Reception have had so much fun today practising their numbers. Here on the photo, they are showing you how to make numbers to 10. They have also practised their number skills using the NumBots game and been on a number hunt. They have completed number jigsaws and sang number songs. At the end of the […]