Computing in Year Two

Year Two have been learning how to present information in different ways. Last week, we explored 2Connect to create a food diary mind map. We then continued this lesson in science and learnt about healthy eating. This week, we explored 2Paint, and presented a piece of Clarice Cliff pottery before having a go on paper […]

Geography in Year Four

The children researched information about the different layers of a rainforest on the iPads. They found lots of interesting facts including the heights of the trees, animals that live in the different layers and the amount of sunlight each layer gets. Why not ask them what they can remember?

Coding in Year Five

Year Five have been very busy this week developing their confidence and application with coding. Using the programme scratch they designed their own interactive game which included a point scoring system and timer. These skills will be crucial as we continue to develop our coding skills in future weeks.  

Computing in Year Six

Year Six have started their coding unit this week. Using Scratch, an online, coding programme, children have managed to create a game in which users earn points for clicking on moving objects. They learned about variables, loops, coding blocks and how to debug.

Computing in Reception

As part of our learning about the Gingerbread Man story, we talked about the route he took when he ran away. We then used a range of ICT equipment to create out own routes. We had to think carefully about where we wanted our Beebots and our bees  to finish and then program our equipment […]

Year One’s Coding and Computing!

Year One have been coding this week using ‘Scratch’ to move a sprite (cat) around the screen! They listened and practised so well then created their own algorithm jigsaws (instructions) for the cat to follow. They had cats jumping on the bed, walking into the sea and finding different animals! Amazing. They also used secondary […]

Year One’s Fact Finding

Year One have been amazing historians finding out about the Great Fire of London 🔥 They compared London in 1666 to modern day London, sorting images and talking about the similarities and differences. See if they can tell you a difference based on what the houses were and are made from! They also considered different […]

Year One’s Computing

What a challenge Year One have faced this week! We have completed our computing units, looking at different types of technology in school and at home (why not try and name a few that you can spot?) and we’ve thought about how to stay safe online. We’ve created our own avatar (and talked about how […]

Technology in Nursery

Over the past few weeks we have been using technology in our classroom. We have been learning how to use the Bee-bots, exploring on Purple Mash and using 2Simpl to create pictures linked to our learning.

French in Year Four

After learning about the weather during French lessons, the children have reported on the weather in France. We learnt about some cities in France and the children typed up the weather, included matching pictures and some had a go at recording themselves speaking in French.