Understanding Search Engines in Year Two

Year Two have taken their computing outside this week. They learnt about web crawlers and played a game to simulate their important role in finding websites on the internet.  

E-safety in Year Five

This week, Year Five have been revising our important values and rules to stay safe whilst online. They considered appropriate online conduct whilst also began to think about sources which are trustworthy and how we can tell.  

Computing in Reception

To complete our computing learning,  we have been learning how to programme the Beebots  to follow a path around a range of different maps. The children loved predicting where the Bee-Bot would finish once they had programmed it.

Animated Books in Year One

As part of their learning in Computing, the children have created their own animated books! 📚 They wrote stories relating to their Geography learning about Antarctica or penguins 🐧 or linked to their Maths work on time, thinking about what they did before, during or after school. They used backgrounds, created images, added and changed […]

Computing in Year Six – using spreadsheets

Year Six have been practising using spreadsheets this week. They have had to input formula so that their spreadsheet automatically: calculates the probability of rolling different numbers on dice; works out how many weeks of pocket money it would take them to save up for some of their most-wanted items; and finds the best website […]

Year One’s Question!

Year One have been set a challenge during science week and that has been to think of lots of questions! 🙋 They use question spinners to help and posed the question, ‘What do animals eat?’ 🤔 We then used secondary sources on the iPads to investigate, we learned the terms carnivore 🦁 herbivore 🐑 and […]

Access All Arts Day

On Thursday, Hillside children participated in lots of different arts workshop as part of ‘Access All Arts’ week. The children were able to learn from experts such as opera singers, musicians, actors, illustrators and photographers who helped them to gain new skills in the arts. We were blown away by the children’s engagement and how […]

Super science shadow work in Year Four

Wow, what super scientists we’ve seen in Year Four using their science, maths and computing skills! After presenting their data in a line graph, from last week’s investigation into how shadows change size depending on the distance from the light source, they went outside to investigate shadows even further. They were set challenges to create […]

Computing in Nursery

This term, we have been learning to use the computers in lots of different ways. We have been playing phonics games to help us with blending as writing sounds to label pictures. We have been finding different games on PurpleMash to link to our learning of the week and been using a paint programme to […]

Computer aided design in Year Four

The children are designing and making a memory box for Will from the story Running Wild. They are using a tool called 2design and make to create their designs and once printed they will be assembling their boxes.