Reception – Computing on the Farm with Purple Mash 

This week we having been reading the story of the Little Red Hen and talking about the animals on the farm. On PurpleMash, we have been pairing up the baby and adult animals and completing  jigsaws based on images from the farm. We talked about the features of the farm and how it looked really […]

Historical Concept Maps in Year Five

This week, we’ve been creating concept maps within our computing lesson which answer the question – ‘Why did the Anglo-Saxons head to Britain?’. The children presented lots of wonderful points from changes in the climate to support farming to population growth. The children have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons in their topic lessons.     […]

Safer Internet Day 2023

This week, we have celebrated Safer Internet Day at Hillside. The children have taken part in a range of activities focused around this year’s theme: making space for conversations about life online. We encourage children to tell a trusted adult when something doesn’t feel right on the internet. In my assembly last week, we discussed […]

Year Six – Spreadsheets for budgeting

Happy New Year to all! It’s great to see all children back in class after the holidays. This  afternoon, children are using Purple Mash’s Spreadsheet programme to create a spreadsheet which will calculate how many weeks they’ll have to save up in order to eventually afford some of their most desired items.      

Year One’s Computing

Year One have been learning about computing and how to stay safe online. 💻 They’re investigated Purple Mash using the iPads and have created their own avatar. We talked about why using an avatar instead of a photograph is safer and have then created a picture of our favourite toy, saved it, submitted it to […]

Computing in Year Five

We’ve been working hard in computing over the past few weeks on our unit ‘Game creator’. We have evaluated existing maze games whilst designing our own. In the following weeks, we will evaluate our games. Here are some images of the children working hard on their designs.  

Computing in Year Three

To start their email unit the children worked in pairs to think about the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of communication. They displayed their ideas on a mind map created on Purple Mash.

Online Safety in Year Four

The children have been learning about online identities and how they can differ from offline identities. They analysed some online posts from children and decided what impression they gave about the person, using words to describe them. They then looked at positive ways to interact online and how negative comments and responses can impact on […]

Addition using iPads in Year Two

This week, year two have been learning about addition in maths. To practise their skills of adding 10s to a 2-digit number, the children took part in a QR code lesson. The children came across a calculation, figured out the answer using their 100 square and scanned the code to see if they were correct.

Year Four animators

The children have been busy exploring and creating animations, by using onion skinning and inserting backgrounds and sound effects. We definitely have some very skilled animators amongst us!