As part of our DT and Computing we have made pumpkin soup. We had to follow the instructions carefully, chopping the pumpkin and onion before putting it in the oven to roast. We can’t wait to try it 🎃
Category Archives: computing
Information Technology in Year Two
Last week, we set up shops! We were learning about how information technology makes our lives easier and to show this, children chose items, assigned barcodes to them and bought from other shops with their homemade bank cards.
Microbit coding in Year Six
Children have been creating code for a microbit, which is a circuit board that can do a multitude of things, such as count steps, play music, listen to sound and light up. Today, we have been practising making a stepmother, which plays music and congratulates you when you reach a certain number of steps.
Year Three Online Safety
Year Three explored how to search for information about others online as part of our online safety unit. Some interesting fact found about Tim Peake, Sir Tom Moore and Kate Middleton.
Year One’s Animated Books
Year One have been expanding their computing skills by creating animated books. They used Purple Mash to create text and images and then added movement and sounds to their different pages. It took a lot of perseverance and skills relating to editing and saving too – well done to everyone! ⭐️
Summer in Year One
To finish our Science and Geography learning about seasonal change in Year One, we have visited the woods and taken our own photographs of signs of summer. We talked about new plant growth, the leaf canopy, insects and animals and considered our clothing too! We also used our technology skills to line up and take […]
Penguin’s in Year One
Year One have been labelling penguins in English this week. They also used their computing skills to find facts about penguins which will help them to create poems next week! 🐧
Year One’s Online Safety
Mrs Green became ‘Martha’ (a stranger) during our PSHE lesson this week when learning about how to stay safe online. She asked lots of personal questions about their ages, names, school, local area and addresses… and managed to find out lots about the children! 😝 We talked about what was safe to share online and what […]
Year Five Coders
This week, we have been soaring through our coding unit of computing in Year Five. Together, we looked at conditions and how they affected actions. It was wonderful to see the children modifying some existing pieces of code with their own conditions.
Year One’s Coding
Welcome back to the summer term! ☀️ This week we’re coding as part of our computing learning. We’ve learned about algorithms (instructions) and created our own patterns using ScratchJnr to move a sprite around the screen. We added backgrounds, created algorithms to move the sprite and used a start and stop tool too. We also edited […]