Year One’s Marvellous Materials

As part of our learning in Science, we have been considering materials and their properties – what objects are made from and why! We suggested items that could be made from different materials and gave reasons as to why they couldn’t be made from other things – like a table made from jelly! We then […]

Online Safety Advice

Dear Parents & Carers, The online world is posing an ever-increasing risk to children and it is important that schools, parents and carers work together to take an active role in teaching children about online dangers and how to act safely when using the internet. We are therefore delighted to announce that Hillside Primary School […]

Safer Internet Day

This morning, Miss Nelson did an assembly all about Online Safety ready for Safer Internet Day tomorrow. During the assembly, Miss Nelson explained the importance of keeping personal information private, what to do when something that makes you uncomfortable happens online and the pros and cons of having an online identity. Tomorrow the children will […]

Year One are computer wizards!

Year One have been learning about how to stay safe online, using their Purple Mash logins to create their own avatar. They know that they shouldn’t share any personal information online including their photographs and also know that they must tell an adult if they see anything online that they do not like. They made […]

Year Five trip to the National Space Centre

Yesterday, Year Five went on their trip to the National Space Centre in Leicester. Despite the very long coach journey, we had an excellent day! In the morning, we all completed a workshop which saw us investigate how rovers are programmed to work on Mars. Not only were we applying our science learning, we were […]

Year Four Sound Investigation

Finally, a sunny afternoon meant that Year Four have been able to carry out their sound investigation. We have used decibel metres on the iPads to measure the changes in the volume of a sound as you move further from the source. Our maths skills have been put to good use too when measuring the […]

Super Learning in Year 2

Year 2 have really been impressing Mr Mellor with their learning recently. We have been looking at millilitres in maths and the children were able to accurately measure our amounts of water. As well, they have done an amazing job in computing at remembering how to stay safe online and even combined it with some […]

Key Stage 2 eSafety Leaders

The eSafety Leaders have been checking out Interlands which is a website containing online safety games. They have really enjoyed and learnt about being kind online and not believing everything they see online.

Computing in Year Three

This afternoon, the Year Three children have be thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of different types of communication. They have worked in their groups to create mind maps on the laptops to show their ideas. All of the children are working hard to apply the typing skills they learnt earlier in the year.