Year Two Showcase

A huge thank you to all the adults who attended the Year Two showcase last week. There was some brilliant map work and art work on display by both children and adults and I’m sure you were as impressed as I was by the children’s understanding of continents and oceans. Well done!  

Nursery’s Learning this Week

Nursery have read the story ‘Lost and Found’ this week by Oliver Jeffers. We’ve spent the week exploring tuff trays containing different textures, creating penguin themed artwork and learning about blubber! We investigated the difference between placing our hand onto an ice pack and having a layer of ‘blubber’ (lard!) between our hands and the […]

Children in Need in Nursery

Nursery have had a lovely time raising money for Children In Need! We’ve made our own Pudsey Bears, searched for Pudsey shapes in the woods and played Pudsey phonics games!

Story and Rhyme Club

As part of our learning about Remembrance Day, we looked at the origins of the poppy through hearing stories about a soldier and found out why we wear poppies today. We then made our own poppies that can be hung in a sunny window and remind us of those who still fight for us today! […]

Nursery Forest School

Nursery have spent the morning in the woods making sparklers! We hunted for sticks to make our own sparklers and then made yummy chocolate ones! What a lovely morning.  

Sketching in Year Three

This afternoon the children have been developing their sketching skills. They learnt about creating dark and light lines with a pencil. They used these skills when drawing a picture of a frog.