Children’s Mental Health Week 2021

Today is the start of Children’s Mental Health Week 2021 and if we were all in school, we would be completing activities linked to our mental health and staying well (last year we were all in the hall doing yoga together!) To celebrate this year, we have created a powerpoint to use each day with […]

Year Six boxes and last day

Children have enjoyed their last day of the term by watching A Christmas Carol, doing a Pub Quiz (with a soft drink and crisps) and finishing off their CAD boxes for Santa. Here are some of the completed box designs.

Year Four’s Workshop

Miss McCann’s little elfins have been super busy over the past two days, designing tree decorations and making calendars. Santa would be proud! In fact he was, when he popped his head in today to check how hard they were working!  

Year Five Craft Day

Year Five have been learning all about computer aided design (CAD). They are using it during their elves workshop to come complete their task set by Santa. Here are some shots of them applying their CAD skills to assemble their packaging.  

Year Three Craft Workshop

Year Three have been hard at work designing and creating toy cars for Snowflake the elf. They have used wheels and axles to make sure the toy cars can move, so Snowflake can get around the school quickly to cause her mischief! A big well done to Year Three who have shown some amazing teamwork […]

Year One’s Craft Club

What a brilliant few final weeks we’ve had at craft club! We’ve created under the sea sharks and fish using celery after reading about Tiddler and his tales, designed our own way to retell the Bear Hunt story and made a split pin bear, as well as finishing with a winter themed robin for our […]

Reception Elves Workshop

The Reception workshop is a hive of activity today as the elves make a start on their important project. Firstly, they discussed what materials they needed and then thought carefully about their designs. They can’t wait to share the finished product with you.      

Year Three get creative!

This week, the children have been creating cushions for the Kapok tree man for their DT project. They have been practising running stitch and back stitch and have made some super comfy cushions!

Year One’s Artists

Year One have been practising their artistic skills, studying the artist Peter Blake’s ‘The Toy Shop’ and imitating his style. They began by studying his work together and then practised their sketching and shading skills. They then considered how toys have changed and began to create their toy shop window, using their own modern day […]

Welcome back Snowflake!

Hello Hillside! It’s a special day today – yes I have arrived (and I am relaxing in your beautifully decorated tree – love the baubles!), but it also the start of Advent! 24 sleeps until Christmas Day! I know it has been a tough year, but you have done so well and have worked so […]