Year Five’s Super Work

Since their return from a restful half term, the children of Year Five have continued to work exceptionally hard and make us all extremely proud. Last week, the children got creative as we focused on our artist of the term, ‘Edvard Munch’. They took inspiration from his piece the ‘The Sun’ and designed their own […]

Well done Reception!

Wow Reception, we are so proud of you all! What incredible work you are all producing both at home and at school! We all loved the story about The Runaway Wok and you have all worked so hard to learn all about Chinese New Year, the animals in The Great Race and been very creative […]

Awesomeness in Year Two

We find it hard to put into words how proud we are of you Year Two! You have exceeded our expectations with your dedication to home learning. Thank you for all the work you have sent in this half term. Whether it be counting coins, making safer internet day posters, running around your garden for […]

Year Five’s Fantastic Work

Throughout this half term, Year Five have been producing lots of fantastic work and have had lots of success. We have all enjoyed learning about our new topic of the Vikings and have found out lots of fascinating facts which we can’t wait to put into our non-chronological reports, which we will be completing after […]

Year Six Home Learning this week

Well done to all of Year Six, who have been nothing short of exceptional this half-term. The attitude to home learning and quality of work has been exceptional. Here are some picks from the last week.

Year Two Home and School Learning

I think there is only one way we can start this post: WOW! Mr Mellor, Miss Pinnington and Mrs Toye have been blown away by the super home learning that year two have been producing both in school and at home. Every single child has stepped up to the challenges set and continue to make […]

Year Five Home Learning

Throughout this entire unit of home learning, Year Five have continued to make us all proud by producing lots of creative pieces of work. We have continued to be inspired by our Vikings topic of work by designing our own longships and Viking coins. We have applied our science learning on Earth and Space by […]

Year Four Home Learning

Look at what our fantastic Year Four children were up to last with their home learning! We have had such a wonderful and wide range of high quality work sent it. A huge well done to all of our superstars and their superstar parents for all the hard work last week!      

Home / School Learning in Reception

The Reception children have been working really hard both at home and school and we just wanted to say how proud we are, of all of you. You have embraced our exciting, new stories and used your creativity to produce some amazing pieces of work.  Here are a few examples of this fantastic work linked […]

Nursery’s Busy Few Weeks! 

The Nursery children have been working extremely hard both in home and at school. We have been thinking about People who Help Us – we’ve created posters to promote keeping our teeth healthy, role played doctors and made get well soon cards for Miss Polly’s Dolly and practised mixing colours just like hairdressers! We are […]