Geography in Reception

This week we have been creating our own maps for our journey to school. We have included lots of features that you would see on a real map such as roads, houses, shops and rivers.  

Art in Year One

This term we’ve been studying Henri Rousseau, a French artist and recreating his work using pencils. 🖼️ We found out facts, studied his work, recreated it using animals to help us sketch and found out about different pencils. We also layered our work and created our own Arctic and Antarctic animal pictures and then enjoyed […]

Around the world with Reception

This week Reception have been reading the story of A Walk in Paris. We found where France was on the map, created our own French flags and completed a map of the world jigsaw.

Map work in Reception

This week we have been reading the story of What the Ladybird Heard. We studied the map of the farmyard and created our own focussing closely on the farmyard features such as the pond, the barns and the fields. We think that we have made a fantastic job of it 😁

Year Four artists

Our Year Four children have created some very effective collages based around the theme of rivers and water after studying work by the American artist, Robin Brooks. They applied a range of techniques including colour mixing, painting, cutting, tearing, arranging and fixing.

Year Four Enrichment Day

This week, our Year Four children have spent a day in our woodland area, appreciating nature, learning how to care for the environment and discovering what lives in our school grounds, as well as developing their resilience, collaborative and risk taking skills. We finished the day with s’mores, cooked on our campfire 🔥!

Nursery: Old McDonald had a Farm!

This week we have been reading the story ‘Old McDonald had a Farm’, we all enjoyed singing the song and choosing our own animals to put on his farm, we each drew a picture of our chosen animal and had a go of labelling it too! We’ve also been busy building farmhouses, practising cutting skills […]

Artist of the Term in Reception

This term, Reception have been learning about the French artist, Cezanne. We looked at lots of his different paintings and especially liked his fruit bowl, as it linked to our story of the week, Handa’s Surprise. We have created our own interpretation of the fruit bowl using pastels.

Jan Griffier in Year One

We’ve been finding out about Jan Griffier, an artist that was alive during the Great Fire of London! 🔥 Although he wasn’t in London during the fire, he visited not long after and painted what London would have looked like during the inferno! 🌆 We studied his work, sharing our opinions and then sketched from […]

Researching Lowry in Year Six

We have been finalising our Lowry research pages this afternoon in class. They’re looking amazing and really informative too!