Events in March 2025
MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday |
2424th February 2025●(1 event)
N/A -
TTRS Rock-off - Y3/Y4 |
2525th February 2025●(1 event)
N/A -
TTRS Rock-off - Y3/Y4 |
2626th February 2025●(1 event)
N/A -
TTRS Rock-off - Y3/Y4 |
2727th February 2025●●(3 events)
N/A -
TTRS Rock-off - Y3/Y4
N/A -
Y5 Space Camp Sleepover (main hall)
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Y1 visit to Ford Green Hall |
2828th February 2025●●(3 events)
N/A -
TTRS Rock-off - Y3/Y4
N/A -
Y5 Space Camp Sleepover (main hall)
N/A - 1:00 am
TTRS Rock-off - Y2 |
33rd March 2025●●(4 events)
N/A - 1:00 am
Book Week
9:10 am - 10:00 am
Books and a Brew - Nursery We are pleased to invite you into school to sit and enjoy a warm drink and a cake or biscuit with your child whilst sharing a story together. Discover the class novel with the teacher and receive a visit from a mystery reader. The invite is for 1 visitor per child - this may be mum, dad, nan, grandad, auntie, uncle - anyone who they would enjoy reading and having a drink/ cake with. Please enter via the main school double gates and wait outside the main school office where a member of staff will welcome you.
1:10 pm - 2:00 pm
Books and a Brew - Year 2 We are pleased to invite you into school to sit and enjoy a warm drink and a cake or biscuit with your child whilst sharing a story together. Discover the class novel with the teacher and receive a visit from a mystery reader. The invite is for 1 visitor per child - this may be mum, dad, nan, grandad, auntie, uncle - anyone who they would enjoy reading and having a drink/ cake with. Please enter via the main school double gates and wait outside the main school office where a member of staff will welcome you.
2:15 pm - 3:05 pm
Books and a Brew - Year 1 We are pleased to invite you into school to sit and enjoy a warm drink and a cake or biscuit with your child whilst sharing a story together. Discover the class novel with the teacher and receive a visit from a mystery reader. The invite is for 1 visitor per child - this may be mum, dad, nan, grandad, auntie, uncle - anyone who they would enjoy reading and having a drink/ cake with. Please enter via the main school double gates and wait outside the main school office where a member of staff will welcome you. |
44th March 2025●●(4 events)
N/A - 1:00 am
Book Week
9:10 am - 10:00 am
Books and a Brew - Reception We are pleased to invite you into school to sit and enjoy a warm drink and a cake or biscuit with your child whilst sharing a story together. Discover the class novel with the teacher and receive a visit from a mystery reader. The invite is for 1 visitor per child - this may be mum, dad, nan, grandad, auntie, uncle - anyone who they would enjoy reading and having a drink/ cake with. Please enter via the main school double gates and wait outside the main school office where a member of staff will welcome you.
1:10 pm - 2:00 pm
Books and a Brew - Year 4 We are pleased to invite you into school to sit and enjoy a warm drink and a cake or biscuit with your child whilst sharing a story together. Discover the class novel with the teacher and receive a visit from a mystery reader. The invite is for 1 visitor per child - this may be mum, dad, nan, grandad, auntie, uncle - anyone who they would enjoy reading and having a drink/ cake with. Please enter via the main school double gates and wait outside the main school office where a member of staff will welcome you.
2:15 pm - 3:05 pm
Books and a Brew - Year 5 We are pleased to invite you into school to sit and enjoy a warm drink and a cake or biscuit with your child whilst sharing a story together. Discover the class novel with the teacher and receive a visit from a mystery reader. The invite is for 1 visitor per child - this may be mum, dad, nan, grandad, auntie, uncle - anyone who they would enjoy reading and having a drink/ cake with. Please enter via the main school double gates and wait outside the main school office where a member of staff will welcome you. |
55th March 2025●●(4 events)
N/A - 1:00 am
Book Week
9:00 am - 11:00 am
'Treasure Island' performance in school
1:10 pm - 2:00 pm
Books and a Brew - Year 3 We are pleased to invite you into school to sit and enjoy a warm drink and a cake or biscuit with your child whilst sharing a story together. Discover the class novel with the teacher and receive a visit from a mystery reader. The invite is for 1 visitor per child - this may be mum, dad, nan, grandad, auntie, uncle - anyone who they would enjoy reading and having a drink/ cake with. Please enter via the main school double gates and wait outside the main school office where a member of staff will welcome you.
2:15 pm - 3:05 pm
Books and a Brew - Year 6 We are pleased to invite you into school to sit and enjoy a warm drink and a cake or biscuit with your child whilst sharing a story together. Discover the class novel with the teacher and receive a visit from a mystery reader. The invite is for 1 visitor per child - this may be mum, dad, nan, grandad, auntie, uncle - anyone who they would enjoy reading and having a drink/ cake with. Please enter via the main school double gates and wait outside the main school office where a member of staff will welcome you. |
66th March 2025●●(2 events)
N/A - 1:00 am
Book Week
N/A - 1:00 am
World Book Day |
77th March 2025●●(2 events)
N/A - 1:00 am
Book Week
12:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Y3/4 'Let Girls Play' football event at Hardman Centre |
1010th March 2025●(1 event)
8:45 am - 12:30 pm
Y3/Y4 Sportshall Athletics at Fenton Manor - county finals |
1111th March 2025●(1 event)
12:15 pm - 2:45 pm
Halle Orchestra performance at Victoria Hall - KS2 pupils |
1212th March 2025
1313th March 2025
1414th March 2025●(1 event)
N/A - 1:00 am
Careers Day |
1717th March 2025●●(2 events)
N/A -
Y5 Bikeability Level 1 and 2
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Parent Consultations EYFS - by appointment only |
1818th March 2025
1919th March 2025●(1 event)
N/A -
Y2 visit to Gladstone Pottery Museum |
2020th March 2025●(1 event)
N/A -
Y5 Bikeability Level 1 and 2 |
2121st March 2025●●(2 events)
N/A -
Red Nose Day - details to follow
N/A -
Y5 Bikeability Level 1 and 2 |
2424th March 2025●●(2 events)
N/A -
Y5 Bikeability Level 1 and 2
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Parent Consultations KS1 & KS2 - by appointment only |
2525th March 2025●(1 event)
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
2626th March 2025●(1 event)
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
2727th March 2025●(1 event)
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
2828th March 2025●(1 event)
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Nursery - Mother's Day Assembly followed by Afternoon Tea By prior booking as per information sent out |
3131st March 2025●(1 event)
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Dance Show at Victoria Hall |
11st April 2025●(1 event)
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
22nd April 2025●(1 event)
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
33rd April 2025●(1 event)
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
44th April 2025●(1 event)
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Link to the after school club timetable:
Downloading this calendar will only download the current events, please re-download it at a later date to get new events.