Year Four TTRS Rock Off

Well done to everyone in Year Four who participated in the Year 4 TTRS Rock Off on Thursday. The scores were close but our winners are…….the boys!!! Well done boys!👏👏👏👏 Look out for another rock off next week!

Year One’s Artists

Year One have been practising their artistic skills, studying the artist Peter Blake’s ‘The Toy Shop’ and imitating his style. They began by studying his work together and then practised their sketching and shading skills. They then considered how toys have changed and began to create their toy shop window, using their own modern day […]

Year Six Rock Off!

Well done to our Year Six class who battled yesterday to be crowned the winner of the gender battle on Times Tables Rock Stars. The boys were victorious in the Rock Off! Well done to those children who took part. We have scheduled another Rock Off for next Monday- let’s see who will be victorious […]

Mission Successful in Year Two

After receiving a letter asking for help in building a shelter last week, Year two have designed, built and evaluated their structures. All the children had slightly different designs but all fit the design criteria of being stable and strong! A huge well done to all in Year Two.

Spelling Frame

Spelling Frame has been running in school for the past term now and we have noticed the impact it has had on spellings in school. Our children are using this online tool regularly and it is helping them learn and retain their spellings. We thought it would be nice to share the current Spelling Frame […]

Celebrations in Reception

Reception have been learning about two celebrations this week; birthdays and the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. In these photos, the children are baking cakes, hunting for objects in the jelly, playing the dreidel game, counting Hanukkah objects and making a Star of David, the Jewish symbol. The children have learned lots of new, exciting facts […]

Gifts in school

Dear Parents/ Carers/ Families,  We have been receiving messages asking whether we are accepting gifts into school this year. We have discussed this as a staff and hope you don’t mind us suggesting the following:  We are aware that some parents want to buy gifts and may already have done so and we are accepting […]

Year Six Rock-off

A rock-off has been set up today. Year Six boys will face the Year Six girls to win the most points for their band. Their will also be a second rock-off on Monday so be sure to log on then too! What better way to keep on top of your times tables than proving yourself […]

Times Tables Rock Stars

As we near the end of the autumn term, I thought I would update you all on the current leader board for each class to show which children have answered the most questions correctly. Below shows the top three times tables champions from each year group (Year 2 to Year 6). We would like to […]