National Careers Week

A little bit of a different one today, but just as important! This career could be for those of you that are good with technology and enjoy working with machines!  

National Careers Week

Are you amazing at spelling? Are you able to use punctuation in different ways? The proof reader works with the author checking for any mistakes. This is such an important job to make the book the best it can be before it goes on sale.  

National Careers Week

Do you have fantastic drawing skills? Have you ever wondered where they could be used? An illustrator could be the perfect career for you, allowing your imagination and drawing skills work together to create images for different books. Next time you read a book pay attention to all of the images and notice the work […]

Nursery’s Learning

We are so impressed with the fantastic start to the new topic that we have had. The children both at home and at school have been enjoying lots of farm related activities – we have been singing Old McDonald Had a Farm, making animal masks, creating our own farmyards by carefully following instructions, completing obstacle […]

Reception Class Learning

What a lot of exciting learning that went on last week in Reception. Our story of the week was The Disgusting Sandwich by Gareth Edwards. The children all made ‘nice’ sandwiches as well as disgusting ones. We hung our disgusting ones in the woods for the wildlife. Don’t worry it wasn’t too disgusting, a mixture […]

Artwork in Year One

Year One have been learning about Henri Rousseau and his art at home and in school. They found out facts about the French artist and were amazed to learn that even though he had never been to the jungle or seen many animals, he drew wild creatures within his work! They have then imitated his […]

Another wonderful week of home learning in Year Two. 

Year two have kept up the same enthusiasm for their learning as they had before half term. It’s been wonderful to see all the hard work they have all put in this week. It’s making all the staff in year two very excited to welcome you back next week and share some of the great […]

Year Three’s Super Learning!

The children in Year Three, both at home and in school, blew us away with their hard work last week. They wrote some amazing openings to adventure stories about exploring Egyptian tombs, created fantastic food diaries, completed some magnificent money maths and lots more! We are so proud of you all. Keep up the amazing […]

Year Four Creative Creatures

Year Four had lots of fun last week creating new creatures as a stimulus for their non-chronological report writing in English. After watching the Marshmallow monster, they each had to create a new monster/creature, think about it’s appearance, habitat, diet, movements etc, before recording all of this information in a report. Well done Year Four, […]

Year Five’s Super Work

Since their return from a restful half term, the children of Year Five have continued to work exceptionally hard and make us all extremely proud. Last week, the children got creative as we focused on our artist of the term, ‘Edvard Munch’. They took inspiration from his piece the ‘The Sun’ and designed their own […]