Explanations in Year One 

Year One have been practising their explanations this week, linked to their Science work on growing plants 🌱 They used team work to act out the plant life cycle, planted their own seeds and will be writing an explanation about how seeds grow this week during their English non-fiction writing. We can’t to wait to […]

Year Six Investigate

For our science topic, Evolution and Inheritance, children have investigated whether a human’s height determines the size of other body features. First of all, we planned out the experiment, considering what we would change and what we would keep the same in order to make the test fair. We then made a prediction about what […]

Year Three Super Science!

Year Three have completed some more amazing science work this week. They have been investigating magnetic materials to help design a new magnetic toy car. They have been observing closely and have planned a fantastic investigation. Well done Year Three!  

World Water Day

Today, the children at Hillside have celebrated World Water Day with Severn Trent. The children took part in a live-streamed assembly where they learnt about the journey water takes at Severn Trent and as part of the water cycle.

Jack and the Beanstalk in Year Two

In Year Two, we have started to read a new text: Jack and the Beanstalk. The children spent the first week reading and exploring the story. One of these ways was through hot seating. Seven children were brave enough to come to the front to answer questions in character. Super work!

Farewell to Mr Gilman

Today we have bid farewell to Mr Gilman, who has worked at Hillside for over 13 years. He was showered with cards, gifts and well wishes from the staff and the children. We thank him for his service and wish him a well deserved rest, spending time with his family.

A busy week in Year Five –

This week in Year Five we have been very productive in all areas of our curriculum. We completed our magnificent paintings of the Solar System inspired by Chesley Bonestell. To complete our brilliant designs, we used our sketching skills combined with effective use of acrylic paints. We are all very proud of our work! Also, […]

This week in Year Four

Year Four have continued with their collaborative learning this week. We have each thought about and discussed a memorable moment from this latest lockdown, recorded our ideas and together we have created our ‘Memorable moment tree’. We also realised that this piece of work requires input from every one of us and by working collaboratively, […]

Year One’s Coding

Year One have used their computing skills to create their own codes! They considered how to give clear instructions first and practised their house drawing skills. They then learned about algorithms, how to create a program and how to de-bug it when it wrong by popping and moving bubbles on their screens. Their team work […]