RSE Day 2021

At Hillside today we have all been thinking about healthy relationships as part of RSE Day. We have talked about what makes a healthy relationship and our friendships. We used words like kind, caring, smiley, compassionate, respectful, thoughtful and many others! We all talked about how we care for others and others can care for […]

Project Potterbot

As part of Hillside’s science week, Year Four children have been involved in the STEM project ‘Potterbot’. This project, created specifically for Stoke-on-Trent, and funded by the Science Across the City project, introduced us to thinking about ‘learning machines’ and their uses in our lives and possibilities for our futures. We were also introduced to […]

Nursery’s Father’s Day Picnic

Thank you so much to the special visitors on Friday that came to share a picnic with their children. We hope you enjoyed the time as much as the children did. We hope you all had a lovely Father’s day and liked your bag of treats 🙂 

Year Five Science Week

Throughout the week, Year Five have completed their science enquiry which focused on the design of boats and what shape of boat helped to overcome water resistance most effectively. We designed a range of boats of different shapes and tested them all on our own waterway! Afterwards, we discussed our results and decided which shape […]

Impact of exercise on the human body – an investigation 

Yesterday, Year Six planned an investigation to see the impact of exercise on the human body. After discussing the meaning of ‘impact’, and all of the possible things that could change after exercise, children planned a fair investigation ensuring that they change only one variable. Some pupils measured the impact on heart rate, others measured […]

Year One’s Science Experiment

Year One had to fight the Great Fire of Hillside this week! As part of their Science learning they posed the question, what would be the best material to make a bucket? They tested the materials, used super vocab, made expert predictions and then raced to put out the fire! They found the answer when […]

Year One’s Better Readers! 

Well done to Bobby, Orla and Oscar who have been awarded a certificate for their incredible reading! 📚 They have worked hard on their reading for ten weeks with Mrs Green and made super progress as a result. Well done and keep it up! ⭐️  

‘Recognition of good practice from the Headteachers’ Prevent board’

This year, Hillside Primary was selected by the Headteachers’ Prevent Board in Stoke-on-Trent for showing good practice in organising a Faith Trail experience day for pupils. The Board were impressed by the excellent work that is in place, in our school and believed that we showed exemplars of strong and good practice.    We were asked to submit […]

NHS Career’s Day

The children have had a very informative day learning about many of the different career options available within the NHS. We have been very lucky to have parents and family/friends who work for the NHS doing Zoom calls during the morning to give an insight into some of the roles on offer, the children loved […]