PSHE in Year Five

This week in Year Five, we have thought collectively all about the significance of confidential information and how sharing it inappropriately can be harmful to others. We did this through a class discussion and then recreating some scenes on the playground. We empathised how it may feel to have somebody share your confidential information and […]

Gymnastics in Year Four

The children have created short routines including rolls, shapes and leaps. They worked in pairs and then performed them to the rest of the class.

RE in Reception

As part of our RE work, we have been learning about how Christians believe that God created the world. We talked about all of the wonderful, natural things in our world and then drew some amazing pictures. We have some fantastic artists in Reception. Well done!

Year One’s Fact Finding

Year One have been amazing historians finding out about the Great Fire of London 🔥 They compared London in 1666 to modern day London, sorting images and talking about the similarities and differences. See if they can tell you a difference based on what the houses were and are made from! They also considered different […]

Emergencies! in Nursery 🚑🚒🚓

This week we have been learning about the Emergency Services as part of our ‘People Who Help Us’ topic. We have been thinking about how they help us in different scenarios and the children have been busy working together to create their own emergency stories and using some drama to act these out. We thought […]

Notre Mondè (The World Around Us) – Year Six

Year Six have started their new French topic, Notre Mondè. They have used atlases to identify the locations of some countries and put them under the appropriate continent on a table. However, there was one twist: the countries and the continents were all in French. The children did extremely well!

Space Art Year Five

On their return to school this week, Year Five completed their Chesley Bonestell art project. They focused on using a fine brush to add detail alongside the light source to accurately place shadows.  

Year Three Dance like an Egyptian 

This afternoon, Year Three have created short dance routines using Egyptian hieroglyphs to inspire their body movements. Miss Hayward was very impressed with their creativity and team work. Well done Year Three!

Pizzas in Year Two

Children were tasked with creating a pizza that included healthy toppings. They researched common toppings that are put on pizzas, learnt how to safely cut and grate the toppings, designed their healthy pizza and created it. Afterwards, they tasted and evaluated their pizza. They did a super job!  

Snakes and Ladders in Nursery🐍🎲

This week we have enjoyed playing snakes and ladders together,  taking turns, counting and subitising the dots on the die and moving our counters the correct amount of spaces. We loved landing on the ladders and zooming ahead but we tried hard to avoid the snakes!🐍 🎲