The children enjoyed a fantastic trip to Chester Zoo. We learned about animals, their habitats, which continents they can be found and their risk of becoming endangered due to deforestation and other risks. A lot of the animals we managed to see lived in South East Asia where there are rainforests and it is also […]
Author Archive: Paula Dawson
Reception Physical Education
This week, Reception are focusing on different ways of moving. They are finding places where they can move over and under equipment, aswell as using a range of rolling techniques! I think we have some budding gymnasts in Reception!
Year Three’s Science Shock!
Our scientists had a bit of a shock this afternoon when they opened up their amaryllis box, expecting to find a bulb inside. The bulb must have got bored of waiting to be planted and decided to have a go at growing all by itself, with no soil, water or proper light! We just hope […]
Year Six’s Market stalls
Year Six have completed their market stalls for the latest D.T unit. They have used their design specifications to measure, cut and assemble a market stall so that Jim, from our English text, ‘Street Child’, can sell his shrimps on the streets of London.
Inter-Faith week ‘Design a Mug’ competition winners
A huge congratulations to out Inter-Faith week ‘Design a Mug’ competition winners. These children really took on board the theme of the week and produced some amazing designs. Well done 👏
Doctors and Dentists in Nursery 👩⚕️
The children in Nursery have had a very busy week learning about the important jobs of doctors and dentists. We have thought about our own experiences and thought about when we may need to visit a doctor or dentist. We have also been thinking about ways to keep ourselves healthy and look after our teeth. […]
London’s Burning in Year One
Year One learned the song ‘London’s Burning’! 🔥 They performed together as a class using musical instruments and even managed to sing the song in rounds which was quite the challenge! 🎶 They sounded fantastic as they performed but also know that during the real fire in 1666, they couldn’t have ‘fetched the engine’ as […]
Concrete Maths in Year Five
This week in Year Five, we have been working on our multiplication and division unit. The children have been using concrete resources to support their learning as they have explored multiples and factors.
Islam in Year Two
We have started learning about Islam in Year Two. We went over the key facts first and the children did a great job of recalling facts from previous years. Then we got out various artefacts to identify. We completed a task about the Islamic prayer beads and the 99 names of Islam.
Practical maths in Reception
This week, we are focusing on capacity in Reception. Our task was to fit as many different objects into our box as possible. We had to think carefully about the size of each object and if they were long or short. We then counted them out onto a ten frame to see who had the […]