Science in Year Two

Year Two is full of super scientists! We have been looking at animals and humans this term and the children loved exploring photos of themselves as babies and toddlers and pictures of their parents as children. They played a matching game and discovered that parents look like their offspring. We have also been learning about […]

History in Year Three

This week Year Three have been thinking like historians, asking questions and drawing conclusions about life in Ancient Egypt. They used pictures created to show what life was like using different sources of evidence. They asked some very interesting questions, spotted lots of clues and used their existing knowledge to understand further. Well done Year […]

Nursery – When I Grow Up! 

To finish our our topic we have thought about what we might like to do for a job when we grow up. We thought about all of the different people that help us and lots of other professions too. We looked at their uniforms and then painted what we would choose to be! We are […]

Freeze Frames in Year Five

This week, Year Five have been delving deeper into their focused text ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ and learning more about the key characters Hiccup, Toothless and Snotlout. In order to connect with the emotions of each character, the children created freeze frames to portray the scene where the characters in the story accidently wake […]

Around the world in Reception

Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning about different countries and adding information to our world map. We discovered that Handa from the story Handa’s Surprise lives in Kenya in Africa and one of the children in our class has relatives in Thailand. Following on from our walk this morning, we also […]

Year One Shabbat Singing!

Year One learned all about Shabbat as part of their RE learning about Judaism ✡️ They learned a song and danced along to help them to learn about what they would need to do to prepare for Shabbat and help them to remember the greeting Shalom. Here is the link if you’d like to have […]

Our Jobs in Nursery

Today we have read a story called Odd Jobs, we thought about things we do at home and school to help our parents and teachers. Following on from the story we all thought about the jobs we would like to have in the classroom when it is tidy up time – we have all been […]

Geography in Year Five

This week, Year Five combined their maths and geography knowledge together to investigate the differences in biomes around the world. The children used line graphs to focus on temperature and how this was different from biome to biome. This children carefully considered geological reasons behind this.  

Reception Design a Fruit Salad

This week, Reception designed their own fruit salad following on from reading the story of Handa’s Surprise. The children selected what fruits they would like in their fruit salad. Then they chose and made it, before tasting it at the end of the day. The children even tasted a few of the less common fruits […]

Mathematical Bakers in Year One

Year One have been improving their maths skills this week, using Base 10 apparatus to support their understanding of tens and ones. They’ve been working on two digits numbers and using apparatus to represent them, focussing too on the language of more, less and equal to. They were also set a challenge on Number Day […]