Year One Visit Ford Green Hall

Year One have been to visit Samuel Pepys at Ford Green Hall. They extended their historical knowledge by learning first-hand what it would have been like in London during the fire, they also found out about foods that would have been eaten in 1666 (when they had no fridges but better teeth due to less […]

Year One’s Artwork

Year One have been creating artistic painting masterpieces based on the work of Jan Griffier. They studied his work and found out that he was alive during the Great Fire of London! 🔥 They have then created their own artwork in the style of Griffier, creating a dark wash for the city sky background and […]

The Egyptian Pyramids in Year Three

In English, Year Three have been using different drama techniques to gain an understanding of what our characters were thinking and feeling during the events in ‘The Egyptian Pyramids’. They created freeze frames of their characters in a given event and then they used thought tracking to share their characters feelings in the moment.  

Historical Music in Year Two

Year Two have been learning about music from the past. They had the chance to play along to a famous piece on a glockenspiel. They practised their core skills of playing to a steady beat and playing in time to the music. Super work Year Two!    

Coding in Year Five

Year Five have been very busy this week developing their confidence and application with coding. Using the programme scratch they designed their own interactive game which included a point scoring system and timer. These skills will be crucial as we continue to develop our coding skills in future weeks.  

Red Nose Day 2022!

Wow Hillside! Look at all of our super children, dressed as superheroes or wearing something that makes them feel super to raise money for others! 🦸‍♂️ What a variety of outfits we have – from comic book heroes, to real life heroes to swimming fanatics to comfy clobber wearers! 🥽 Thank you for dressing up, […]

Special Delivery 📦 in Nursery 

This week the children have had a very egg-citing delivery. A parcel arrived with tape that said ‘Fragile’ wrapped all around it. We carefully opened it and inside found 6 eggs, we have placed them in the incubator and are eagerly awaiting to see what happens. We have made our predictions and the children think […]

Computing in Year Six

Year Six have started their coding unit this week. Using Scratch, an online, coding programme, children have managed to create a game in which users earn points for clicking on moving objects. They learned about variables, loops, coding blocks and how to debug.

Observations over time in Science – Year Four

The children have been developing their Science skills by learning how to read a thermometer during an investigation. They collected the temperature of two samples of water over time. They noticed how cold water got warmer over time and warm water got colder. How interesting!

Computing in Reception

As part of our learning about the Gingerbread Man story, we talked about the route he took when he ran away. We then used a range of ICT equipment to create out own routes. We had to think carefully about where we wanted our Beebots and our bees  to finish and then program our equipment […]