Money in Year Two

In the Autumn term, we learnt about money in Year Two. We learnt to recognise coins and add and subtract various amounts. This term, we are learning about how to manage our money. We have learnt where money comes from and in this lesson, we debated the differences between needs and wants.

Mechanisms in Year Five

This week, Year Five have begun their DT project on mechanical systems. Their stimulus is to focus on fun fair rides and how they have changed between the past and present. Currently, the children have investigated with mechanisms to see how to speed up their ride and ensure it travels in the right direction.  

Reception’s visit to St Philip & St James’s church

As part of our RE learning about special places, Reception visited the local church in Milton, where we went in a treasure hunt to find lots of the special features that you might find in a Christian church. The children thoroughly enjoyed the visit and learned lots of new facts.

RE in Year Four

During Our recent RE lesson, we thought about the symbolism of water. The children wrote words to describe water and then washed some of them away. We learnt that Christians use water for baptism because it has many different symbolic meanings. Over the next few weeks we will remember this work when looking at examples […]

Doubling in Year One

Year One have been doubling and learned that when we double we add the same amount again! We spotted a pattern, noticing that when we added 1+1, 2+2, 3+3… that the numbers went up in 2s which we’ve also been counting in. We put our skills to the test with a range of games – […]

Oil Pastel Pieces in Year Five

Year Five have now completed their current art unit where they have been inspired by ‘The Sun’ created by Edvard Munch. Throughout the unit, they have worked in the medium of oil pastels practising their blending using the colour wheel. They have produced a range of fantastic pieces and went to peer-evaluate them.  

Stone Age Drama in Year Three

Year Three have loved exploring their new text, ‘The Stone Age Boy’ this week. They have enjoyed participating in some drama activities to help them to understand the events and characters in the story. They worked in groups to freeze frame different events, considering the thoughts of their characters. They also sequenced the events by […]

Plants in Year Two

Year Two have been growing plants together this year. Recently, they planted their own sunflower seeds and hope to grow huge sunflowers based on everything they have learnt over the last two years of science. Who will grow the tallest? Mr Mellor has put his sunflowers in some strange places, such as the cupboard and […]

Phonics Hunt in Nursery

This week the children have been practising their reading and writing skills, they have been segmenting and blending lots of words and even trying to write them. They enjoyed searching for the words with a partner, taking it in turns to sound them out and write them independently. We are so proud of your fantastic […]

Year One’s Super Senses! 

In Science, we have been learning all about our senses! We used different body parts – our 👀 👂 👅 👃 and 🙌 – and tested how well they worked! We had to count balls being thrown using our eyes (with a sneaky 🙊 hidden), sniff pots (with stinky vinegar in!), listen carefully outside to […]