Our Year Four children have created some very effective collages based around the theme of rivers and water after studying work by the American artist, Robin Brooks. They applied a range of techniques including colour mixing, painting, cutting, tearing, arranging and fixing.
Author Archive: Paula Dawson
Filtering and separating materials in Year Five
In our science lessons, we have continued to look closely at the properties of different materials. This week, we investigated separating materials once they have dissolved or been mixed into a solution. We looked closely at filtering to help us to separate the materials.
Amazing maths in Reception
Reception have been counting, recognising and counting on using numbers to 20.
Bakers in Year One
This week we have become Thomas Farrynor and have been baking our own bread! 🍞 We followed instructions to make the bread and even created a list of bossy imperative verbs to help us write our own instructions. We loved tasting the bread and of course we remembered to turn off the oven unlike the […]
Year One’s Instructions
In English we’re investigating instructions as part of our learning. We’ve spotted different features such as a title, numbers to order, a ‘you will need’ list with bullet points and noticed that they were bossy, using bossy verbs (imperative verbs) to begin. We’ll be baking bread and writing our own instructions next week! 🌟
Shelters in Year Two
Year two received a message from children in Zambia this week! They asked the year twos to help them to design, build and evaluate a shelter to keep them safe from The Enormous Crocodile. The children set out to find examples of shelters in the school grounds in preparation for designing and building next week.
Special places in Reception
This half term in RE we are focusing on special places. The children went on a treasure hunt to find jigsaw pieces which, when put together , make a picture of Mrs Ashton’s special place at school. Can you guess where it is?
Tracing Viking Territories in Year Five
This week in our history lesson, we identified former Viking territories using modern-day maps. To do this, we learnt all about suffixes which were associated with Viking legacies and researched the meaning behind these. It was lovely to see the children combining their history and geography skills together.
DT in Year Four
The Year Four children have been disassembling and investigating a range of packaging today to learn how boxes are made from 2d nets. They identified the faces, glued tabs and interlocking tabs to understand all the different parts needed to construct a box. They were also introduced to the CAD (computer aided design) program on […]
Gymnastics in Nursery
We have enjoyed showing off our fantastic gymnastic skills in PE this week, we completed a sequence of jumping off the apparatus, followed by a roll and finally finishing with a posh pose! Fantastic work Nursery!