Year 4’s Bird Table

Year 4 have enjoyed watching some little visitors on the bird table. We have spotted a collared dove, starling, blue tit and a wren coming for a snack.

Y6 Stanley Head – end of day 3

Another amazing day at Stanley Head today! The children have astounded us with their bravery on the high ropes and their accuracy when firing arrows! All are tucked up in bed now, but here they are, posing by their tents and in their dorms! Good night!

Y6 Stanley Head – Day 3

The Year 6s are enjoying the sunshine today! This morning they have either faced their fears on the high rope course or had a go at archery. Well done to the 4 pictured who took in the 5m and the 10m high rope course. Wow!

Y6 Stanley Head – Day 2

The children have had a very exhausting day today: bouldering in the roaches and caving under ground has really taken it out of these lot. But still, here we are sitting around the campfire ready for marshmallows and hot chocolate and a here’s few extra photos too!

Northwood Athletics

Well done to all who took part in the athletics today. The children had a fantastic day and were a credit to the school.  An extra well done to all of our winners !

Y6 Stanley Head – Day 2

Year Six slept well and were raring to go this morning! Some of us have been caving, sliding through holes and crawling over rocks while others have been bouldering in the sunshine!

Go Wild Forest School

The children have had great fun at Go Wild Forest School, making tree guardians, playing woodland games, building dens & using natural materials to create art.

Y6 bed time at Stanley Head

Bed time! After an exhausting day, children are sitting down in their pyjamas with hot chocolate and biscuits getting ready for bed! A good nights sleep will be needed for the bouldering and caving that’s in store tomorrow.