Bonjour Year Three!

Year Three have been greeting each other in French today, playing games with words and even air kissing! Ooh la la! Ask them how to say hello to a stranger and a friend – would you use bonjour or salut?

Exciting new science resource

Miss McCann was extremely excited yesterday morning to introduce her Year 4’s to an amazing new science resource she has purchased for the school, which allows the children to embark upon a journey into the human body. Here is Imogen wearing the ‘ Virtuali-tee’ which enables us to have an insight into the skeletal system, […]

Hillside Rock Off!

Hillside hosted the ‘Rock-off’ thus afternoon, welcoming pupils, staff and parents from 6 other schools. It was a fantastic afternoon. Well done to ‘Hillside Rock’ for their amazing performance. Well done also to the music medal pupils who performed and our hosts from Y6 who pulled it all together.

Snowball fight in Year 4

While Green team were enjoying their reward in the woods yesterday afternoon, the rest of Year 4 had fun learning Maths. To reinforce their understanding of mental multiplication of multiples of 10, the children wrote down problems for others to solve and had a ‘snowball fight’ to send them around the room! This definitely proves […]

Cadbury’s World

Year Three are having a wonderful time at Cadbury’s World! Max has been the Aztec Chief, Montezuma, and Harry has been chief chocolate maker! We’re off to taste chocolate after lunch! Yum!

Supporting the Poppy Appeal

Our Head Boy and Girl will be selling various items in support of this years Poppy Appeal. If your child would like to donate to the appeal money should be brought in from Thursday 2nd onwards. Suggested donations are given on the photo below. Thank you in advance of your support.

Year 5/6 Football Tournament

Year 6 won 3 out of 4 matches with Lewis scoring 8 goals. Year 5 lost all their matches but had a really good try.

Autumn Leaf Hunt

The nursery have been on a leaf hunt. We walked around the school grounds and searched for leaves. We talked about the colour of the leaves and why they had fallen off the trees. We have used the leaves in our Autumn display and we have looked at them using a magnifying glass. We enjoyed […]

Harvest Donation Thanks

Thank you for all your kind donations. Year 5 are looking forward to leading our Harvest assembly on Friday, which will be followed by a pick up from the Stoke-in-Trent Food bank. We hope our donations make a difference.