Year 2’s 3D Shape Challenge

Year 2 have been challenged to make 3-d shapes using spaghetti and mini marshmallows! They are doing really well both with their constructions and in not eating the marshmallows!!!

Cross Country

Well done to everyone who participated in the cross country event on Tuesday night. The muddy, wet field didn’t appear to cause Hillside any problems as everyone completed an excellent run. A particular well done to Luke and Alex, both from Year 5 who came first in their races, and Lacie from Year 4 who […]

Paralympic Event

Here are our Y3-6 children, eagerly awaiting the start of the Paralypmic competition at Haywood Academy.

School Council Drop-in

The school council had their KS2 drop in session on the playground today. Children came with their suggestions for how to make the school a better place and children were able to vote on which of two special days they’d like to celebrate in school next year.

Y6 visit Blist’s Hill Victorian Town

Year 6 are enjoying their day at Blist’s Hill Victorian Town. We have exchanged our money for Victorian currency and are now in the process of creating our own intaglio prints!  

Year 5 Rowing

Year 5 children were working hard in rowing yesterday. They took part in whole class racing – it was great to see the encouragement they gave to each other!

Science Ambassadors

Hillside’s new Science Ambassadors  are in action! On Friday, Foundation Stage and Key Stage One children experienced exploding volcanoes to excite them about Science!!

Breakfast Club Parents

Please be advised that the staff car park should not be used for dropping off children.  Please also park respectfully and legally outside the school.

Year 1 Show and Tell

Every Friday afternoon the Year 1 children enjoy getting to show each other things they have brought in from home.