Afternoon tea party in Nursery

This week we have been learning about the Royal Wedding. The children in nursery have been very busy baking scones this morning ready for our tea party. We have just put on our crowns and tasted them with a glass of juice – Happy Wedding Day to Harry and Meghan!

The Year 6 children have arrived at Alton Towers!

This is their treat day for working so hard during this week and all year. They have been completely focused, dedicated and approached their SATs with maturity and with a smile on their faces. A huge well done! We hope you have a fantastic day 🎢🎠🎡

Mystery Reader in Year 1

The Year 1 children have been enjoying listening to stories read by our mystery readers. Last week William’s mum came in and this week James’s mum came in. We can’t wait to find out who is coming in next week.

Year 5 Mystery Reader

We had an exciting Tom Gates story read to us by Lewis’ mum today. It is one that we haven’t explored in class before – thank you!

Mystery Readers in Nursery

The Nursery children are really enjoying having the mystery reader on a Thursday afternoon. Last week Anthony’s mummy came to read ‘Little Red Hen’ and this week Archie’s mum came and read ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The children sit and listen very carefully and love talking about the stories when they have finished. We can’t […]

Wildplay After School Club

Year 5 had a lovely Wildplay experience on Monday afternoon. We have been den building, blowing bubbles in the sunlight, making ‘woodalions’ and minibeast hunting. Again, we have been extremely lucky with the weather and lets keep our fingers crossed for more sunshine on our final session next Monday.