School Games Day

It’s school games day today at Hillside and we have been visited by some of last year’s Year 6’s as they are now Sports Leaders at Excel Academy! They’re hosting a range of sporting activities for children to take part in today. This morning, year 6 and year 4 are doing football, quick cricket, rounders […]

Mystery Readers in Nursery

Thank you very much to Dexter’s Nan and also to Keenan’s mummy who have been our secret readers over the last few weeks. The children really enjoy waiting to see who is coming through the door and as always they sit and listen beautifully.  

Nursery Showcase

Thank you to all of the families that came to our Nursery Showcase on Monday. The children enjoyed themselves and really loved taking part in the creative activities with you. We hope you had as much fun as we did!  

Mystery Reader

Reception welcomed their last Mystery reader of the year, Vinnie’s dad! He brought the book Monstersauras in to share with the children. They loved the book and sat beautifully. Thank you to all of our readers this year.

Unconventional Menagerie

The Unconventional Menagerie are in school this morning. Children are learning lots about many exotic animals and insects and even getting the chance to hold them. We have cockroaches, millipedes, snakes, tarantulas and even lizards plus many more creatures. Children are also learning lots about vertebrates, invertebrates, herbivores, omnivores, carnivores, and how animals are classified! […]

Year 5 are on their way home! 

Year 5 have had a lovely day at the National Space Centre and we are on schedule for our return home. After we finished programming the rovers, we went to watch a show in the planetarium. We then had time to explore the rest of the Centre and have a closer look at the rocket.

Year 2’s trip to the seaside

Year 2 have had a fantastic day in Llandudno! We travelled on the Great Orme Tramway, played in the park, ate ice cream, played on the beach and watched the Punch and Judy show on the beachfront! As usual the children were a credit to the school- their behaviour was  impeccable.

Hillside’s Singing Stars

Hillside’s Singing Stars took to the stage at the Mitchell Arts Centre!  Their Disney themed show thrilled the audience as the curtains went up!