Year 5 Mystery Reader

We had our final mystery reader this afternoon! It was lovely to hear Theo’s mum read Tom Gates to everyone. Thank you for coming in!

Hillside Visitors!

Thank you to Mollie’s Nan for bringing in some baby rabbits and 2 ducks (on leads!) to show the children of Hillside today. They loved meeting them all.

Better Reading Partnership

Congratulations to to these pupils who have completed the Better Reading Partnership! They have spent the last ten weeks working with teaching assistants in school to improve their reading pace, fluency and comprehension skills and have worked hard with their parents at home. Well done for making great progress!    

School Games Day

It’s school games day today at Hillside and we have been visited by some of last year’s Year 6’s as they are now Sports Leaders at Excel Academy! They’re hosting a range of sporting activities for children to take part in today. This morning, year 6 and year 4 are doing football, quick cricket, rounders […]

Mystery Readers in Nursery

Thank you very much to Dexter’s Nan and also to Keenan’s mummy who have been our secret readers over the last few weeks. The children really enjoy waiting to see who is coming through the door and as always they sit and listen beautifully.