Children in Need Fundraising at Hillside

A great big thank you to everyone who supported us on Friday with our various CIN activities. The children had lots of fun throughout the day. In total we raised an amazing £255.30 which was accumulation of: Pudsey cake Raffle £107 Cake sales £148.30 An extra special thank you to Mrs Green, Mrs Rhodes and the Y6 bakers for […]

Year One’s Dusty Bluebells

Year One have been sorting old and new toys and playing old fashioned games this afternoon! They learned the song, ‘In and Out the Dusty Bluebells’ and played a circle game, choosing their masters and looping through their friends arms! Ask them if they can sing the song to you! 🍃

Parliament Week at Hillside

Last week, Hillside Primary participated in UK Parliament Week. The idea of the week was to learn all about our British Values which include: Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Respect and Tolerance of the beliefs of others. The children were all fantastic and as a school there were wonderful discussions. Each class had activities […]

Children in Need Y2

What a day Year 2 have had! They had lots of fun cracking mathematical codes for Pudsey, and they even had time to write an acrostic poem about him! The children have made a fabulous effort in their spotty clothing, and have made a huge difference to a wonderful cause. Well done Year 2!  

Y6 Mystery Reader

Thank you to this weeks Year 6 mystery reader. Mrs Spooner came to read to the children on Thursday afternoon. She read chapter 1 of their new class novel: A Christmas Carol. The children thoroughly enjoyed listening to Mrs Spooner read and were interested to find out that her favourite childhood author was Roald Dahl. […]

Children in Need fun in the Nursery!

Nursery have had so much fun today learning more about Pudsey Bear! The children have all worn spotty Pudsey clothing and have enjoyed doing twirls to show their friends what they are wearing. Lots of teddy bears have joined us in Nursery today too, they have had an imaginary picnic in our classroom where the […]

Children in Need

What a fabulous day we are having today supporting Children in Need. Here are our Nursery class enjoying their Pudsey themed Teddy bear’s picnic.

Go Wild Afternoon

A lovely afternoon with the new Year 5 group. Rules were introduced. We played find my tree & 1,2,3 where are you? Explored the woods & built dens. Activities included making natural paintbrushes & decorating leaves.