Milton Church Nativity Service

On Wednesday afternoon, the whole school walked down to Milton Church for the annual Christmas service. Father Brian Statham welcomed us into the church and introduced the service, which was led by children from Key Stage 2.  They re-enacted the Christmas Story from the point of view of ‘The Excited Angels.’ The rest of the school joined in […]

Book Club

The first Year 3 book club group had their last session today. Mrs Schonau says its been an absolute pleasure to have worked with them each week and that she has been impressed by their dedication, their mature discussion and their reading. She is now looking forward to working with her second group in the […]

Mystery Reader in Year One

Thank you very much to Sam’s mum for being our mystery reader! We loved listening to the story of Santa coming to Stoke-On-Trent and hearing lots of our local towns being mentioned! We really hope he will visit us in a few days time! Thank you Mrs Ford. We wonder who our first mystery reader […]

Christmas Concert DVD’s have arrived!

The Christmas Concert DVD’s have arrived and have been sent home today to those who have made their payment so please check your child’s bag.  We have many orders which have been placed but remain unpaid.  Please log onto ParentPay and pay the amount due as soon as possible so that we can send your […]

Mystery Reader in Nursery

A big thank you to Harry’s and Matilda’s mummies who came in to read us some Christmas stories. The children loved listening to them and are very excited about Christmas now! We look forward to some more mystery readers in the new year.

Scuba diving Snowflake!

Snowflake has visited Year One again and this time she isn’t just hanging around and climbing – she’s swimming with Mr Miyagi the goldfish! She’s got her straw to breathe and seems to be keeping an eye on her new fishy friend! 🐟    


Miss McCann is in need of cracker drums (see photos), and would really appreciate any empty ones being saved over the holidays and brought into school in January. Thank you in advance.


Reception had a surprise this morning when they found the cheeky elf, Snowflake playing with Fitzy Fox in their classroom. Snowflake had emptied all of Fitzy’s toys out onto the carpet and was busy playing with the scoop and ball set. We wonder where Snowflake will turn up next??