Rock Star Day

Tomorrow , Tuesday 8thJanuary, is Hillside’s first Rock Star Day. Just to remind you, the children can come to school dressed up as a rock star to mark the occasion. All classes will be taking part in maths activities throughout the day, look out for photos on the app.  

Year 3 Mystery Readers

A huge thank you to those parents who came in as a mystery reader in Year 3 last term. The children loved the surprise and the super stories that were shared. If there are any other parents/guardians who would be interested in coming in and reading a story to Year 3, please speak to Mr Mellor. […]

Year One and Two’s special delivery!

Year One and Two received a special letter from Santa this morning! He asked them to make special reindeer food for his deliveries in a few days (but he’s heard that glitter makes birds poorly so added special bird food instead!). All of the children made special wishes as they stirred the food and we […]

Snowflake is causing chaos in Year 6!

Snowflake has brought chaos into Year 6 as she emptied the entire classroom from its Christmas decorations and replaced with toilet roll. 😞 She made herself comfortable by making a lego chocolate wall. She soon left the class before having to tidy up.

Year One’s Party!

Year One loved celebrating Christmas today! They looked amazing in their jumpers, loved playing games in class and were super star dancers when partying with Reception and Nursery! They loved their feast too and might even sneak another little party feast in tomorrow! Thank you to our parents too who provided the delicious food! 🎅🏼 […]

Nursery’s Christmas Party!

We have had a fantastic day today. Our Christmas dinner was delicious and we absolutely loved our Christmas party this afternoon. We have done lots of dancing, playing games and eating lots of party food! I

Christmas fun at Hillside

What a fantastic day the children of Hillside have had today. We enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch wearing our Christmas jumpers and joined in with Christmas songs whilst eating. Next came the Christmas parties with games, music and party food and our disco this evening, Such a happy, enjoyable, festive day!

Festive Fun in Reception!

What a fantastic day Reception have had. This morning we made festive placemats and Christmas decorations. Then we had our yummy Christmas Dinner. After that we had our class parties where we played lots of party games and had more lovely food. Don’t we all look lovely in our Christmas clothes? We can’t wait for […]