Mystery Reader in Reception

Reception were excited to meet our first mystery reader of the New Year.  Brooke’s Nana had come to share one of her favourite books with us. She had chosen Argghh Spider by Lydia Monks, which happens to be one of Reception’s 25 Best Reads.

FAO: Reception to Year 6 – Reading Rocket

Parents/Carers, We are continuing with the reading challenge initiative from Monday 14th January and it will end on Sunday 17th February, 2019 To achieve the Reading Rocket, your child must read at least five times per week during this next half term (this includes weekdays or over the weekend) and this reading must be completed […]

Year 5 Tree Surgeons!

Year 5 are all wrapped up and enjoying learning about the job of a tree surgeon! This is just the first activity of the morning, look out for updates as the morning progresses!

TT Rockstars in Y5

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed being rockstars and rocking their way to the top, by beating Year 4 in the rock off (by a very small margin). They all looked fantastic in their outfits and also wrote some interesting recounts of what they had got up to during the holidays…as rockstars!  

Rock Star Day

Reception had a fantastic day yesterday. All children (and staff) joined in whole heartedly with the Rock Star theme and looked fabulous. They particularly enjoyed showcasing their maths skills through the range of exciting activities. Well done to Seren and Sharni for winning the Maths awards for the day.      

Popcorn bird feeders

Reception have had a ‘popping ‘ time today. As the weather has turned colder, we decided to pop some corn to make popcorn garlands for the woods. We enjoyed tasting the popcorn to make sure that it was OK for the birds!  

Year 6 Rock Stars

We’ve had some amazing outfits in Year 6 and, following a lively assembly which included a live performance from the Rock Band -‘Super Seven’, boys went ahead in a rock slam times table battle. The girls swooped the victory but fun was had all round. Great Fun!!  

Rocking on in Year One!

Year One have had an amazing rockstar morning! They’ve posed to rock music whilst looking epic and have done lots of early times table work, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s! They used a caterpillar, gloves and even paired lots of Mrs Rushton’s family’s socks to help! Well done Year One, what a superb start […]

Super Seven rock!

A huge well done and thank you to the Hillside rock band who performed in our special rockstar assembly this morning. You were amazing!

Welcome back!

What an amazing welcome back to the new term. The children are fully embracing our Rockstar Day and all look absolutely fantastic! The morning started with an assembly filled with rock music, rock poses and even a rockstar battle between Mrs Daley and Miss Walker! Ask your child who won! A massive thank you to […]