WW2 learning in Year 5

Mr Gray is helping Year 5 with their learning about WW2. He is providing us with a talk about his own experiences of living through the war. He has a wealth of resources both from, and about the war and is explaining what life was like for a child during this time. The children are […]

Mini-me Yoga

This afternoon Year 4 have been enjoying their first Mini-me yoga session. They have practicing yoga poses and exploring breathing techniques. Ask your child to show you their favourite pose – popular ones include the giraffe pose, the boat pose and giggle breath. Lots of fun!

Fantastic Learning in Nursery!

This week we have read the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’, throughout the week the children have been role-playing a green grocers using real vegetables, exploring the cut up vegetables, sorting vegetables by their initial sounds and creating vegetable plots with different construction materials. We also used the vegetables to do some lovely colourful printing – we […]

Safer Internet Day 2019 

Safer Internet Day 2019 (Tuesday 5th February) is only a few weeks away and teachers in school are busy making preparations. As part of this they have been speaking with children about the games and applications they use. Here are a series of parent guides produced by National Online Safety  around the most common games and apps […]

Congratulations to our latest ‘Better Reader’

She has completed the Better Reading Partnership, spending the last ten weeks working with Mrs Green to improve her reading pace, fluency and comprehension skills and has worked hard with her parents at home. Well done for making great progress!

Go Wild!

Yesterday was an amazing afternoon. Children took part in a ‘sit spot’. They find somewhere in the woods to sit…under a tree…or on a log.They listen to the sounds, feel & draw. They can draw a picture, write a poem or a story. It’s up to them. One of the children created a poem she […]

Mystery Reader in Year One

Thank you to Freddie’s Aunty Lauren who came in to read ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’ to us today! Freddie’s shocked face was wonderful to see and the children loved listening and remembering all of the clothes that the giant gave away to help others! The story fit in brilliantly with our assemblies on being […]

Seasonal Change in Year One

Year One have been in to the woods this afternoon observing seasonal change! They found lots of exciting signs of winter including rain drops, holly, evergreen and deciduous trees as well as lots of mud! They had lots of ideas about how the seasons change and asked lots of questions about why even though the […]