Our learning in forces has continued as we focused on air resistance. The children completed an investigation where they were challenged to see if they could find the most streamlined shape. They used their scientific skills to time the falls precisely and we took an average to increase reliability.
Author Archive: Paula Dawson
Reception: Pumpkin Soup
As part of our DT and Computing we have made pumpkin soup. We had to follow the instructions carefully, chopping the pumpkin and onion before putting it in the oven to roast. We can’t wait to try it 🎃
Transport in Year One
Year One have learned about the history of transport as part of their learning about the local area. They’ll be completing a transport survey when they visit Milton later this week 🚘🚛⛴️✈️and considering why they see certain forms of transport locally more than others.
Phonics in Year One
In phonics we’ve been playing games and reading words with the sounds we’ve been learning, rolling the dice to take turns and land on different words! We also had to check our friends were reading them correctly – amazing team work! 🏆 We also practised our tricky words using the link below – well done […]
Information Technology in Year Two
Last week, we set up shops! We were learning about how information technology makes our lives easier and to show this, children chose items, assigned barcodes to them and bought from other shops with their homemade bank cards.
Year Four Art Research
Year Four have carried out some fantastic research about Antonio Gaudi and his mosaic architecture. They have presented their work by using a range of sketches, facts, patterns and colours. Super work from everyone!
Music in Nursery
This week the children in Nursery have been introduced to the Ukuleles and have been learning how to hold them correctly. They have been made some beautiful sounds with them and enjoyed listening to the different sounds they made.
One more, one less in Reception
This week we have been working out what is one more or one less than a number. We began by using real objects, progressed onto counting fixed objects and some of us even worked out the answers using just the numerals. We love our maths learning in Reception!
Invasion Games in Year Five
This half-term within our P.E. lessons with Dan, we have been focusing on invasion games. This has seen us develop our positioning skills over a range of games and also develop of communication skills within a team.
Microbit coding in Year Six
Children have been creating code for a microbit, which is a circuit board that can do a multitude of things, such as count steps, play music, listen to sound and light up. Today, we have been practising making a stepmother, which plays music and congratulates you when you reach a certain number of steps.