Year Two grow like plants!

During their dance lesson, Year Two imitated the growth of a plant. They thought about which part of their bodies represented each part of the plant and slowly showed the growth over 25 days. Brilliant work!  

Better Reader – Friday 17th January 2020

A big well done to our Better Reader who received his certificate on Friday morning. He has been working hard and is more confident with his reading and really enjoyed it.

Headteacher Awards – Friday 17th January 2020

Well done to the children who have been recognised for displaying one of our school values and were awarded with a Headteacher’s certificate in celebration assembly on Friday morning.  

Nursery learning

Nursery have been reading the story ‘Curious George goes to the hospital’ this week. We have been learning about doctors and nurses- making our teddies feel better with bandages and plasters, collaging our own monkeys, making a walkie talkie similar to those that a paramedic may use and baking delicious banana loaf! The children listened […]

Handa’s Surprise

This week Reception have been reading Handa’s Surprise. They have been learning about all different kinds of fruits and today made a fruit salad with all of their favourites. We also talked about healthy and treat foods. Ask your children to give you some examples at home.  

Reading in Nursery

Nursery have started their shared reading this week! They took their discussion books home on Friday and were very excited to share the story with Mrs Dixon and their friends! Well done Nursery!  

Year One are computer wizards!

Year One have been learning about how to stay safe online, using their Purple Mash logins to create their own avatar. They know that they shouldn’t share any personal information online including their photographs and also know that they must tell an adult if they see anything online that they do not like. They made […]

Active Literacy Club

The Active Literacy Club started today with year one and year two girls. We had a mission to go to the purple planet to meet the space pirates. First we had to build our rocket before learning all of the captain’s commands.  Next week we will be launching our space rocket into space.    

First week back

Reception have had a very busy, exciting week back at school. As well as dressing up as rockstars on Monday, we have used money to buy vegetables linked to the ‘Supertato’ story, written get well cards as part of our PSED work and this afternoon, we dressed up as our favourite characters.