When I grow up… 

This week, Nursery have been learning about the job role of a builder! We’ve had lots of construction materials out and have seen some fabulous creations being made. We have used our mark making skills and number knowledge in our ‘Tool Hire Station’ and have baked some delicious tool themed biscuits in the shape of […]

Helicopter Stories in Nursery

Nursery are thoroughly enjoying our helicopter stories. The children are thinking of their own imaginative stories, having them scribed by an adult, then bringing them to life by acting them out on our ‘stage’! Well done Nursery, you’ve all shown so much confidence, it’s lovely to see!

Year Four Science

Year Four have been observing the processes of melting and evaporation this afternoon,  as they watched solids (ice cubes) change to a liquid, and then heated it to change it to water vapour. We then linked our observations to the processes of the water cycle.  

Marketplace Vocabulary in Year Two

Today, the children were put into teams and given a number of words based on our text Goldilocks and the Three Bears and an amount of money. Their aim was to collect as much high-level vocabulary as possible. They wrote the word down on their group collection sheet and once they had finished with it, […]

Stoke City 7s Assembly

Today, we were lucky enough to have Griff King from Stoke City come in to talk to the children about match day at the Bet365 Stadium. He explained all about the experience and gave a letter to each child offering them discounted tickets. These letters will be sent out this week.

**Important** Safeguarding Reminder

A reminder to all that there are measures in place on Field Avenue to keep our children safe. These include zig zag lines immediately outside of the school gates and a single line on the opposite side of the road. During drop off and pick up times these should not be parked on. They should […]

The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch

This week we have been reading ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. In the story Mrs  Grinling made some disgusting sandwiches to scare the seagulls away from Mr Grinling’s Lunch. We made our own disgusting lunches using the things that we found in the woods.  We then made a zip wire, like in the story to send […]

A special visitor in Year Two

Last week, we were lucky enough to have Izaac’s mum in class with Eli! The children prepared questions to ask based around growth and how Eli has changed from being a newborn to a toddler. A huge thank you to Izaac’s mum for coming in. The children loved it and learnt lots.  

Year 5/6 Futsal Competition

Seven members of our school football team represented Hillside in a Futsal competition at Fenton Manor. The boys battled through some tough games and gave it their all. A special mention goes to Cole who put in a Man of the Match performance. Well done!  

Year One get musical! 

Year One have created their own class band, singing their own rendition of ‘London’s Burning!’ They worked hard to listen to the beat, sing tunefully and even managed to sing it as part of a round which was very tricky to begin! Why not ask them to sing it to you tonight? 🎵