Ancient Egypt Day in Year Three

The children have learnt all they will ever need to know about Ancient Egypt! pharoah emoji from

We did an Ancient Egyptian dance for the Pharaohs, handled real Amulets (3,000 years old!) that would have been given to newborn Egyptian babies and tried an Egyptian Breakfast! ๐Ÿž

We went back into the classroom to have our Egyptian Breakfast. We tried to crack a code using Hieroglyphics. Weโ€™ve looked at Hieroglyphics in our lessons but Mr. Egypt explained there are lots of different versions of our alphabet since there are over 2,000 hieroglyphs! He showed us the most accurate one and we used that to crack the code โœ๏ธ

We then did some Maths using Ancient Egyptian numbers ๐Ÿงฎย  We then learnt about the Mummification process, the children were captivated by this – even if it was pretty gruesome! ๐Ÿ™ˆ

Thank you so much to Mr Egypt for giving us all a fantastic day!