World Fair Trade Day

On Saturday 9th May 2020, people across the world will be celebrating World Fair Trade Day. On this day, people celebrate Fair Trade’s contribution to the fight against poverty, exploitation and climate change. A couple of months ago, the children had an assembly on Fair Trade so they should already have an awareness of this important message.

Last week, the children in school celebrated by creating a huge Earth from natural materials and tissue paper. The results were fantastic!

This week, PlanBee are offering a live lesson for KS1 and KS2. The details are below:


Tuesday 5th May at 11am or go to YouTube and type in PlanBee Live Learning Session 17


Wednesday 6th May at 11am or go to YouTube and type in PlanBee Live Learning Session 18


It would be great if children could get involved. Please put any work produced from the sessions (or anything else you choose to do to celebrate!) into your work books. Enjoy!