Great start to the term!

Dear Parents/ Carers

With each week that passes the children are becoming more settled into the new term and demonstrating great determination to succeed. We have been absolutely blown away by their resilience, their positive attitude and their adaptability to our new normal.  Well done children!

We remind you that we will be closed for an INSET day on Monday 28th September and so we will welcome the children back to the new week on Tuesday 29th September.

Below are a few reminders that will help us to ensure children’s safety and ensure smooth running – especially at pick-up time.

  • Please can parents and families adhere to social distancing measures on the playground
  • We ask that children remain with parents/ whomever has picked them up. Siblings being around exit doors is making dismissal harder and siblings on the KS 2 playground are playing in areas in which they know they are not allowed.

Please also note that our school dress policy is available on our website and that nail varnish and jewellery shouldn’t be worn for school. Any earrings worn should be plain gold or silver small studs. Please contact the school or speak with you child’s class teacher if you have any queries. Thank you.

We wish you a lovely weekend. See you on Tuesday 29th September.