Year One’s Toy Visit! 

Year One had a brilliant day dressing up as toys and being visited by Alison from the Brampton Museum! She brought with her Bunting the cat and we shared the story of ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’ and investigated many old-fashioned toys! 🧸 We also learned about the history of Christmas and found out why […]

Year One’s Showcase

Year One welcomed their parents in to school to share their learning about Toys and Christmas! They sang songs telling the story of Jesus through ‘Away in a Manger’ and made Christmas decorations including an angel for the top of their tree 🎄They also created their own cup and ball toy and taught their parents […]

Year One’s Toy Sort

Year One have used their investigate skills to sort old and new toys this week as part of their History learning. They considered what the toys were made of, how they were made and whether or not their parents or grandparents could have played with the same toys. Super sorting everyone! Why not have a […]

Remembrance Day in Nursery

This week we have read the story ‘A Day To Remember’ to support our learning about Remembrance Day. We have found out all about why we wear a poppy and what the poppy represents. We have talked about the roles of the soldiers and how brave they are. We have enjoyed dressing up, role playing […]

Hillside Remembers

Hillside have remembered those injured or lost in wars both past and present. All children have held a thoughtful two minutes of reflection and carefully listened to an assembly within their classes. Year Five and Year Six also had a Remembrance Service kindly delivered by Mr Such where they observed flags and wreaths being placed […]

Non- chronological reports Year Four

This week, the children have started their English unit all about non-chronological reports. They enjoyed reading a range of reports all about the Romans and learnt some interesting new facts. Why not ask your child what new facts they have learnt? Over the next couple of weeks, we will be continuing to look at the […]

Year One’s Toys! 

Year One loved bringing in their own toys today to start their new topic – Toys! They considered where their toys were from, what they were made of and told us all about why they liked them. There was a fab range of toys from dolls to cars to dinos! 🦖 We also began to […]

Year Five Greek Computing

Year Five are currently in the process of combing their knowledge of the Ancient Greeks to computing. They are designing their own ‘maze’ game using software on Purple Mash. It is fantastic to see the children effectively considering how to develop the difficulty of their game alongside ensuring it is appropriately designed to the Greeks. […]

Mosaics in Year Four

The children have enjoyed creating mosaics through printing. They thought carefully about the colours and patterns they wanted to create. We think they will look great on display in the corridor.

History in Year Four

This week the children have continued to learn about the Romans. They took on the role of advisors to Emperor Claudius to help him to decide if he should invade Britain or not. They then found out that he did decide to invade and next week we will be finding out what happened. As always, […]