Historical Music in Year Two

Year Two have been learning about music from the past. They had the chance to play along to a famous piece on a glockenspiel. They practised their core skills of playing to a steady beat and playing in time to the music. Super work Year Two!    

Year Five meets Jules Pottle

Year Five were thrilled to recently catch up with the author Jules Pottle who wrote the story “Jasper the Spider”. They enjoyed a fantastic workshop learning all about Mary Anning and the process of fossilisation. It was wonderful to see the children fascinated by her story and informed about different types of fossils and how […]

Mary Anning visits Year Six

Children have been fortunate enough to have received a visit from Mary Anning this week. She delivered a workshop, which showed how she became a famous Palaeontologist (person who studied fossils). Children replicated her work by digging for the remains of some species. They asked very good questions and showed a superb understanding.

Local History In Year Two

Year Two have really enjoyed learning about Stoke-on-Trent in the past. This photos shows the children exploring two maps of Baddeley Green: one from 2022 and one from 1950. They used two colours to highlight the similarities and differences before discussing their conclusions as a class.    

History in Year Three

This week Year Three have been thinking like historians, asking questions and drawing conclusions about life in Ancient Egypt. They used pictures created to show what life was like using different sources of evidence. They asked some very interesting questions, spotted lots of clues and used their existing knowledge to understand further. Well done Year […]

Vlad the flea in Year One

Year One have started their new English text, ‘Vlad and the Great Fire of London’ linking their English and History learning. So far they’ve explored facts from the story, found new vocabulary and worked out lots of tricky new words (like inferno!) and have shared the story together, practising their growing reading skills. They also […]

London’s Burning in Year One

Year One learned the song ‘London’s Burning’! 🔥 They performed together as a class using musical instruments and even managed to sing the song in rounds which was quite the challenge! 🎶 They sounded fantastic as they performed but also know that during the real fire in 1666, they couldn’t have ‘fetched the engine’ as […]

Year One’s Fact Finding

Year One have been amazing historians finding out about the Great Fire of London 🔥 They compared London in 1666 to modern day London, sorting images and talking about the similarities and differences. See if they can tell you a difference based on what the houses were and are made from! They also considered different […]

Year Three Dance like an Egyptian 

This afternoon, Year Three have created short dance routines using Egyptian hieroglyphs to inspire their body movements. Miss Hayward was very impressed with their creativity and team work. Well done Year Three!

D.T. in Year Six

Year Six have been designated the task of building Jim Jarvis, from our English test ‘Street Child’, a market stall to sell his shrimps. Children are testing out the stability and sturdiness of existing designs before planning their own design and experimenting with joints. We will be eventually making our own market stalls out of […]