Stone Age Drama in Year Three

Year Three have loved exploring their new text, ‘The Stone Age Boy’ this week. They have enjoyed participating in some drama activities to help them to understand the events and characters in the story. They worked in groups to freeze frame different events, considering the thoughts of their characters. They also sequenced the events by […]

Year Two at Gladstone Pottery Museum

Year Two visited Gladstone Pottery Museum this week. They explored the history of the pottery industry in Stoke-on-Trent and learnt about the influential artist Clarice Cliff.  

St George’s Day celebrations in Nursery

This week the children have learnt about St George’s Day, the have listened to the story, looked at the flag of England and found out different ways people celebrate this day. The children have re-enacted the story using the castle and figures and created their own St George’s flag using different materials around the classroom […]

Making Mummies in Year Three

Year Three have been learning all about how bodies were mummified in ancient Egypt. They have even had a go themselves using tomatoes! They emptied the tomatoes ‘organs’,  cleaned and dried the tomato and have packed it in ‘natron’ to preserve it. We are eager to see the effect this has upon our tomatoes and […]

Clarice Cliff in Year Two

Year Two have been learning about the art of local artist, Clarice Cliff. They have recreated some of her most famous patterns and this week, they used clay to create their own piece of pottery (something they know all about after their super history learning!). They will soon paint it with a Clarice Cliff pattern. […]

Working as historians in Year Five

This week, Year Five have been working as historians to challenge the idea that the Vikings were only set on causing devastation and destruction. They carefully analysed two primary sources from 825 AD looking closely at the vocabulary.  

Burning Houses in Year One!

PYear One have been working on their design and technology skills this week, creating a house from 1666 and using a lever to set the house on fire! 🔥 They have investigated books with moving parts then tested three different levers (one that went up and down, one left to right and one that use […]

Understanding the world around us

Reception are really enjoying adding famous people and places to our timeline and map of the world. Over the last few months we have learned about lots of different places like Kenya, Thailand and Australia and people including Guy Fawkes, Jesus, Paul Cezanne and St Patrick, amongst others. Some of these people lived a long […]

World War Two: Non-chronological reports

Year Six have been using non-chronological reports found in the library to find out as much information as they can about World War Two. They were given free-reign to present their work how they wanted. The whole class have made a superb start.

Year One Visit Ford Green Hall

Year One have been to visit Samuel Pepys at Ford Green Hall. They extended their historical knowledge by learning first-hand what it would have been like in London during the fire, they also found out about foods that would have been eaten in 1666 (when they had no fridges but better teeth due to less […]