Story and Rhyme Club

As part of our learning about Remembrance Day, we looked at the origins of the poppy through hearing stories about a soldier and found out why we wear poppies today. We then made our own poppies that can be hung in a sunny window and remind us of those who still fight for us today! […]

Remembrance Service

Mr Such has kindly delivered a Remembrance Service this morning to remember those who have been hurt or died in wars past and present. It was a lovely ceremony in which poems and prayers were observed, children also took part in a minute silence.

Nursery Forest School

Nursery have spent the morning in the woods making sparklers! We hunted for sticks to make our own sparklers and then made yummy chocolate ones! What a lovely morning.  

Old games in Year One

As part of their History learning, Year One have been thinking about old and new games. They thought about their favourite games and we talked about how their grandparents may not have had a Switch to play on – as they are perhaps older than the inventor as well as not having the materials or […]

Year Six Blist’s Hill Visit

Year Six have arrived at Blist’s Hill Victorian village. The class have been split into three groups and have so far visited the bank, pharmacy and grocers. Many have already expressed their excitement at the chippy lunch they will be having later.  

Year One’s Toy Topic

Year One started their topic on ‘Toys’ today by bringing in their own toys from home to play with and write about! They loved sharing their toys, talking about the materials they were made from, how old they were and why they liked them! What an interesting selection we had too – wooden dominoes, scary […]

Year 6’s go back in time to Victorian school

Year 6 have taken part in a Victorian-style lesson this afternoon. They had to pay 2 shillings to enter the class, started the lesson with fitness drills and practised dictation and handwriting. Children followed Victorian school rules by writing with their right hand, standing when an adult entered the room, not asking questions and calling […]

Y4 visit to Chester

Year 4 arrived safely in Chester and are currently undergoing their training to be Roman Soldiers!  

Reception Dinosaur Work

What a busy day Reception have had today! As part of our dinosaur work we have been investigating ice dinosaur eggs and how to help the babies escape, painting bread dinosaurs and making dinosaur biscuits. The biscuits look delicious, we hope they taste just as good.    

Emperor Claudius in Year 4

Emperor Claudius had an important job for his advisors this afternoon as they had to convince him whether invading Britain was a good idea or not. They put forward some excellent arguments during the classroom debate and finished their persuading through conscious alley. Claudius’s final decision was that he would invade as he felt there […]