Year One’s Competition! 

Year One have made their own old-fashioned toy this week – a cup and ball! The aim of the game is to swing the foil ball up and in to your cup in the least amount of tries and we worked hard, practising to perfect our techniques! We had a competition to see who could […]

Year One’s Old Fashioned Games

Year have been learning how to play old fashioned games. They’ve played ‘In and Out the Dusty Bluebells’, ‘Farmer, farmer…’ and ‘Stuck in the Mud’ and loved racing and chasing, freeing their friends and being the master! Why not ask them to teach you one to play at home this weekend? They will be finding […]

Roman food tasting in Year Four

Year Four have spent the afternoon tasting a range of foods that the Romans would have eaten, in preparation for designing a new Roman bread roll. What a shame I missed  some of their facial expressions when tasting olives and figs!😊  

Remembrance Day in Nursery

Today the children have been learning about Remembrance Day, while we were in the woods we thought about how the soldiers had to hide to keep themselves safe. We looked for good hiding places and had a game of hide and seek. We then built a shelter for the soldiers and practiced carrying sticks/ branches […]

Remembrance Day

We feel very honoured that the beautiful, thoughtful display that the children of Hillside helped to create at Milton Church inspired a member of our community to write the following poem: REMEMBRANCE  The globe, that is Earth, spins on its axis Wars, raids, attacks come and go. Today’s allies are yesterday’s enemies, Remembrance cloaks our […]

Year Six DT

Year Six have been tasked with creating a food stall for Jim, a Victorian child from the story they are reading in English – Street Child. They have designed their market stall, created a prototype and are now creating the real thing. Children are using junior hacksaws to cut wood, and child-friendly glue guns to […]

Remembrance in Reception

Reception have been learning about the meaning of Remembrance Day. After listening to a Remembrance Day assembly, the children participated in a range of activities to give them a deeper understanding of the event. They investigated a range of artefacts from world war 2, collaged poppies, counted poppies, practised their army manoeuvres through the cargo […]

Remembrance 2020

Throughout the past couple of weeks, children in each class at Hillside have being designing commemorations for Remembrance Day. The children have been creating different styles of poppies, crafts, and crosses to commemorate all those who have been hurt or died in wars past and present. It was an honour to have these creations displayed […]

Hillside’s Year Four Roman Army

Year Four have been learning about reasons why the Roman army was so powerful. They found out that they wore strong protective armour, carried effective weapons, were well trained, committed and attacked in well organised formations. Miss McCann, their Centurion, took them out for a training session this afternoon and they all did a very […]

Guy Fawkes Fun

Reception have had a lovely time this week learning all about Guy Fawkes and the origin of Bonfire Night. Here the children are reenacting the story of The Gunpowder Plot in the woods, which they loved and found fascinating. As part of this topic, we also discussed the differences between life then and now and […]