Traditional Tales in Reception

This week, Reception have been immersing themselves in the story of The Three Little Pigs. The children are loving our new story and one of their favourite activities has been exploring building using a variety of materials in the classroom and also in the woods. There have been many cross-curricular links in this story including […]

Another wonderful week of home learning in Year Two. 

Year two have kept up the same enthusiasm for their learning as they had before half term. It’s been wonderful to see all the hard work they have all put in this week. It’s making all the staff in year two very excited to welcome you back next week and share some of the great […]

Year Three Stars!

It’s been an unusual half term but you have all been so amazing and worked so hard. Year 3, you have really shown what super stars you are and so have your parents and carers! You have written some amazing diary entries, smashed multiplying and dividing, designed some delicious fruit skewers, become experts on the […]

Year Five’s Fantastic Work

Throughout this half term, Year Five have been producing lots of fantastic work and have had lots of success. We have all enjoyed learning about our new topic of the Vikings and have found out lots of fascinating facts which we can’t wait to put into our non-chronological reports, which we will be completing after […]

Year Two Home and School Learning

I think there is only one way we can start this post: WOW! Mr Mellor, Miss Pinnington and Mrs Toye have been blown away by the super home learning that year two have been producing both in school and at home. Every single child has stepped up to the challenges set and continue to make […]

Year Six’s super home-learning

Year Six have been working incredibly hard at home. Their effort and determination continues to blow the socks off Mr Frost, who looks forward to seeing their hard work every day. Here is just a snapshot of some of the fabulous work produced so far by the Year Six children.  

Year Five Home Learning

Throughout this entire unit of home learning, Year Five have continued to make us all proud by producing lots of creative pieces of work. We have continued to be inspired by our Vikings topic of work by designing our own longships and Viking coins. We have applied our science learning on Earth and Space by […]

Year Three Home Learning

Year Three have been working extremely hard at home and in school. They have been completing lots of work including writing a diary entry of an explorer, creating an Ancient Egyptian timeline, designing fruit skewers and learning all about our muscles and skeletons. We are so impressed by their hard work and want to say […]

Year One’s Wonderful Work! 

Year One have been working incredibly hard both in school and at home and we are so impressed! From writing stories about Bubbles, to creating underwater sea creatures for English stories, to finding out about capital cities, looking at the history of animals and discovering and naming their own, to super number bond and subtraction […]

Year One’s Artists

Year One have been practising their artistic skills, studying the artist Peter Blake’s ‘The Toy Shop’ and imitating his style. They began by studying his work together and then practised their sketching and shading skills. They then considered how toys have changed and began to create their toy shop window, using their own modern day […]