Number Day in Year Three!

Year Three have had so much fun during Number Day. They have been working as teams to go on a number scavenger hunt and to solve the mystery of the missing glue sticks. They have learned about how numbers were recorded in the Stone Age and have taken on the role of travel agents to […]

Number Day in Year One

Year One have had a brilliant number day looking at mathematics skills throughout the day! We enjoyed playing a guessing game using super vocab then we completed a shape and number challenge – we can’t wait to see who wins! We linked our maths to careers and our History learning, working out how maths is […]

Year One’s Shared Reading 

Every week, Year One are showing great gains in their reading skills, becoming not only more fluent, expressive readers but also improving their comprehension and understanding of a text. They are reading ‘Sammy the Street Dog’ which is closely linked to their learning in History and is all about the Great Fire of London. Sammy […]

Year One’s Fire of London Fact Finding

Year One are enjoying finding out more about the Great Fire of London this week. They’ve used the computers to explore an online game, pulling down buildings and putting out fires as well as considering the historical sources we use to find out about events that happened long ago. They’ve sorted pictures in to old […]

Earth Day and St George’s Day in Reception

Reception have had a lovely first week back, learning about some very special days. On Thursday, we learned all about Earth day and what we could do to help to restore our planet. The children came up with some fantastic ideas such as picking up litter and recycling it. We also learned about what we […]

A busy week in Year Three!

This week, Year Three have been working their socks off once again. They have been learning all about mummies (and some even turned into some!), drawing in the style of Ruth Heller, trying some Easter story drama activities and have even been on an Easter egg hunt around the school. They are also excited to […]

Easter Competition Winners

A huge congratulations to our Easter competition winners. We were blown away with the effort that the children had put into their designs. After much deliberation, each class teacher made the difficult decision and chose two winners who received the prize of a large chocolate egg. A big well done to all who took part. […]

Easter Treasure Hunt

Over the last couple of days the EYFS, KS1 and KS2 have all taken part in an Easter Treasure Hunt. The EYFS and KS1 hunt involved the children finding Easter eggs, within which were hidden clues from the Easter story. Once the children had solved the clue, they were given an item that linked to […]

Easter in Reception 

The children in Reception have has a fantastic week learning all about the origins of the Christian Festival of Easter. As well as talking about the changes in nature around springtime, they have baked chocolate Easter cakes, created Easter collages, completed Easter maths work and been on an amazing Easter treasure hunt. The children collected […]

Year Six are Paleontologists

Year Six are making the most of the lovely weather by doing science outside today. Uncovering the bones to a mysterious animal bit by bit, they must act as a paleontologist to analyse what they uncover, piece bones together, make predictions about what the creature is and justify their predictions to their peers.